Article L1243-8 of the French Public Health Code
The regional or inter-regional health plan is drawn up by the competent authority after obtaining the opinion of the Agence de la biomédecine when it concerns haematopoietic cell allograft activity.
The regional or inter-regional health plan is drawn up by the competent authority after obtaining the opinion of the Agence de la biomédecine when it concerns haematopoietic cell allograft activity.
An order by the Minister for Health, issued after consultation with the Agence de la biomédecine, the Haute Autorité de santé and representatives of health establishments and medical biology laboratories, defines the rules of good practice for the storage and traceability of human biological samples taken for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes or during an autopsy carried out for medical purposes.
The terms and conditions for the application of this chapter shall be determined by decree in the Conseil d’Etat, and in particular : 1° The high-cost activities or activities requiring special provisions in the interests of public health provided for in article L. 1243-6 ; 2° The conditions and procedures for issuing the authorisations provided for in articles L. 1243-2 and L. 1243-6, as well as the conditions for modification…
Gamete donation involves a third party donating sperm or eggs for medically assisted procreation.
Gynaecologists regularly inform their patients about egg donation.
GPs regularly inform their patients about gamete donation.
The donor must be of age. An emancipated minor may not be a donor. Prior to the donation, the donor shall be duly informed of the legislative and regulatory provisions relating to gamete donation, in particular the provisions of article L. 2143-2 relating to access by persons conceived by medically assisted procreation with a third party donor to non-identifying data and to the identity of the third party donor. The…
Artificial insemination using fresh donated sperm and the mixing of sperm are prohibited.
The use of gametes from the same donor may not deliberately lead to the birth of more than ten children.
The donor is granted leave of absence by her employer to attend the examinations and undergo the procedures required for ovarian stimulation and oocyte retrieval. If the donor is an employee, authorisation is granted under the conditions set out in the last paragraph of article L. 1225-16 of the French Labour Code.
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