Article R1411-57 of the French Public Health Code
The Directorate-General for Health provides the general secretariat for the High Council for Public Health.
The Directorate-General for Health provides the general secretariat for the High Council for Public Health.
I.-The chairman and vice-chairman of the Haut Conseil de la santé publique and the chairman of a specialised commission or permanent technical committee receive a non-pensionable allowance, the amount of which is set by joint order of the ministers responsible for health and the budget, exclusive of the fees referred to in IV. II.-In the event of loss of income resulting from their participation in the work of the High…
I. – The body referred to in article L. 1411-5-1 is called the Agency System Coordination Committee. It is chaired by the Director General for Health. II. – In addition to its Chairman, the Committee comprises nine ex officio members: 1° The Chairman of the Etablissement français du sang ; 2° The Director General of the Agence nationale chargée de la sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail…
I.-The Committee meets when convened by its Chairman or at the request of the majority of its full members. The Chairman sets the agenda, based on the annual work programme adopted by the Committee and on questions proposed by the ex officio members. The agenda is sent to the members mentioned in II and III of article R. 1411-58-1. II – When the Committee issues the opinion provided for in…
The Directorate-General for Health provides the Committee’s secretariat and the material resources required for its work.
The new member appointed in the event of a vacancy for a full or alternate seat on a Board of Directors shall be of the same gender as the member he replaces.
Where an alternate member is provided, the full member and the alternate member shall be of different genders.
When the draw provided for in II of Article L. 1411-5-2 is carried out, it shall be made by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, in the presence of a representative of the Minister for Health, no later than three months before the expiry of the term of office of the Board of Directors. The persons mentioned in the second paragraph of I of Article L. 1411-5-2 who designate…
For the renewal of each of the Boards of Directors mentioned in article L. 1411-5-2, lots shall be drawn to determine, from among the persons called upon to appoint a single member or an odd number of members, if necessary taking into account the members whose term of office has been renewed under the conditions provided for in article R. 1411-58-13, those who appoint a woman or a man, or…
The number of ballot papers to be drawn up is equal to the number of persons called upon to designate a single member or an odd number of members as mentioned in article D. 1411-58-7. The number of ballot papers marked “woman” and the number marked “man” is determined in such a way that the parity rule defined in the first paragraph of I of article L. 1411-5-2 is respected…
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