Article 199 quater A of the French General Tax Code
La retenue prévue au 2 de l’article 119 bis releases taxpayers domiciled outside France for tax purposes from the income tax due on the sums that have been subject to this withholding.
La retenue prévue au 2 de l’article 119 bis releases taxpayers domiciled outside France for tax purposes from the income tax due on the sums that have been subject to this withholding.
Holders of income liable to income tax in the category of industrial and commercial profits, agricultural profits or non-commercial profits whose turnover or revenue is below the limits of the schemes defined in articles 50-0,64 bis and 102 ter and who have opted for an actual method of determining income and joined an approved management centre or association benefit from a reduction in the income tax contribution equal to two-thirds…
Contributions paid to representative employee and civil servant trade union organisations within the meaning of Article L. 2121-1of the Labour Code, as well as to representative national professional military associations within the meaning of Article L. 4126-8 of the Defence Code are entitled to an income tax credit. The tax credit is equal to 66% of the contributions paid, up to a limit of 1% of the gross income designated…
Taxpayers whose tax residence is in France benefit from a reduction in their income tax when their dependent children are in secondary or higher education during the school year in progress on 31 December of the tax year. The amount of the tax reduction is set at : 61 € per child attending a collège; 153 € per child attending a lycée d’enseignement général et technologique or a lycée professionnel;…
I. – When they are not taken into account for the assessment of income in the various categories, are eligible for an income tax reduction of 25% up to an overall ceiling for annual payments equal to €1,525 plus €300 per dependent child: 1° Premiums relating to insurance contracts in the event of death, where these contracts guarantee the payment of a capital sum or a life annuity to a…
Any taxpayer who, between 1 January 1999 and 31 December 2010, acquires a new dwelling or a dwelling in a future state of completion forming part of a classified tourist residence in a rural revitalisation zone and who intends to rent it out, the proceeds of which are taxed in the land income category, benefits from an income tax reduction. The fact that a minority of the rent is indexed…
The tax reduction mentioned in Article 199 decies E is granted in respect of the acquisition of housing that has been completed for at least fifteen years and that is undergoing renovation work. By way of derogation from the first and third paragraphs of the aforementioned article, the tax reduction applies to housing located in classified resorts covered by Section 2 of Chapter III of Title III of Book I…
1. An income tax reduction is introduced for taxpayers domiciled in France within the meaning of Article 4 B who carry out reconstruction, extension, repair or improvement work between 1 January 2005 and 31 December 2012. This tax reduction applies: a) To expenditure relating to a dwelling, forming part of a tourist residence classified in a rural regeneration area or in an area, other than a rural regeneration area, included…
The tax reduction mentioned in articles 199 decies E and 199 decies EA is granted, under the same conditions, when the property is owned by a company not subject to corporation tax, on condition that the shareholder undertakes to retain all of his or her shares until the end of the nine-year period referred to in the fifth paragraph of article 199 decies E. In addition, the reduction does not…
I. – A. – Taxpayers domiciled in France, within the meaning of Article 4 B, may benefit from a reduction in income tax in respect of expenses actually incurred for the work mentioned in II of this article, adopted from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2019 at a general meeting of co-owners in application of Act no. 65-557 du 10 juillet 1965 fixant le statut de la copropriété des…
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