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Article R522-11 of the French Commercial code

The guarantee may be provided in full or in part in money, annuities, securities admitted to trading on a regulated market, or by a first mortgage on immovable property with a value double the sum guaranteed. It may also be provided in full by one of the credit institutions or finance companies authorised for this purpose or one of the institutions or establishments mentioned in article L. 518-1 of the…

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Article R522-13 of the French Commercial code

The standard regulation(s) provided for in Article L. 522-13 are drawn up and amended by the Fédération nationale des prestataires logistiques et des magasins généraux agrées par l’Etat and submitted to the Minister for Industry for approval. These regulations include the operator’s obligation to make the warehouse locations available for the presentation of goods available on a priority basis and without preference or favour to persons wishing to operate warehousing…

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Article R522-14 of the French Commercial code

If the storage costs and disbursements relating to goods taken from the general warehouse have not been paid for a period set by the standard professional regulations according to the nature of the goods, the sale by public auction may, after summonsing the depositor, be ordered by the president of the commercial court by order on request, without prejudice to the measures made necessary by the condition of the goods….

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Article R522-15 of the French Commercial code

The rates annexed to the establishment’s specific regulations include the cost of fire insurance, which is added to the cost of storage. The policies taken out by the operator must include a waiver by the insurance companies of any recourse against depositors.

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Article R522-16 of the French Commercial code

General warehouses are subject to the general police measures concerning public places used for trade, without prejudice to the rights of the customs service when they are established in premises placed under the customs warehousing arrangements provided for by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2913/92 of 12 October 1992 establishing the Community Customs Code, and Commission Regulation (EEC) No 2454/93 of 2 July 1993 laying down certain provisions for its implementation,…

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Article R522-17 of the French Commercial code

The prefect supervises the activity of general shops and checks that they are operating correctly. He has free access to establishments under his control and may carry out or have carried out all checks and investigations necessary for the accomplishment of his mission. Where the operator is a company, the prefect shall be notified of any changes in the chairmanship or management, within one month of the new chairman or…

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Article R522-18 of the French Commercial code

Operators of general shops are required to send, in the first month of each year, to the general inspector of industry and commerce in whose district their establishments are located, a general report on their activity during the past year. Attached to this report is a statement indicating: 1° The maximum level reached by stocks of the main goods stored, according to a list which is fixed for the region…

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Article R522-19 of the French Commercial code

The General Inspectorate for Industry and Commerce has permanent delegated authority to exercise the supervision and control of approved general shops incumbent on the Prefect, under the conditions set out in article R. 522-17. The Inspectorate General for Industry and Commerce informs the Prefect of any breaches observed. The prefect shall report to the authority that countersigned the decree or issued the approval order, proposing, where appropriate, the withdrawal of…

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