Article R645-22 of the French Commercial code
The judgment by which the court opens the compulsory liquidation procedure pursuant to article L. 645-9 automatically terminates the professional recovery procedure without the debts being erased.
The judgment by which the court opens the compulsory liquidation procedure pursuant to article L. 645-9 automatically terminates the professional recovery procedure without the debts being erased.
If the judgment opening the professional recovery proceedings or closing them is overturned or set aside, the court of appeal may, of its own motion, rule on the application to open the judicial liquidation proceedings.
When the judicial representative or the person chosen on the basis of the first paragraph of II or III of article L. 812-2 has completed his assignment, he shall file an end-of-assignment report with the court clerk’s office, including details of his disbursements, and shall provide the president of the court with a copy of this report and a copy of the report referred to in Article R. 645-13. The…
As soon as the end-of-assignment report of the judicial representative or the person chosen on the basis of the first paragraph of II or III of article L. 812-2, the court clerk shall send the debtor and the public prosecutor a detailed account of his fees, costs and disbursements drawn up in accordance with the provisions of articles R. 743-140 à R. 743-157. This account is filed with the court…
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