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Article R421-21 of the French Insurance Code

Compensation payable under the provisions of Article L. 421-8 of the Insurance Code to victims of accidents which give rise to personal injury or to their dependants shall be paid by the guarantee fund in accordance with the provisions of this section and on condition that the accidents occurred in mainland France and the overseas departments, with the exception of the department of French Guiana.

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Article R421-23 of the French Insurance Code

Anyone responsible for an accident resulting in personal injury sustained while hunting or destroying vermin must produce their licence, if applicable, and inform the law enforcement officer who draws up the official report or prepares the accident report of the insurance policy(ies), other than those provided for in article L. 421-8 of the Insurance Code, which may cover the damage caused. It must also specify the name and address of…

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Article R421-24 of the French Insurance Code

Where an insurance policy has been taken out to cover the financial consequences of the civil liability of the perpetrator of an accident resulting from hunting or the destruction of vermin, the provisions of articles R. 421-4 to R. 421-10 apply to the rights and obligations of the responsible party, the victim, the insurer and the guarantee fund. The provisions of articles R. 421-12 to R. 421-17 apply to compensation…

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Article R421-25 of the French Insurance Code

Membership of the fund by the companies referred to in article L. 421-2 only ceases in the event of withdrawal, termination or lapse of authorisation. Companies which are members of the guarantee fund are prohibited from using this membership or the fact that insurance policies are covered by the guarantee fund for advertising purposes, without prejudice to legislative or regulatory provisions relating to contractual information due to policyholders.

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Article R421-25-1 of the French Insurance Code

The guarantee fund is administered by a twelve-member Board of Directors. It comprises : 1° Seven representatives of insurance companies providing property and casualty insurance in the French Republic and covering risks which are subject to compulsory insurance by virtue of a legislative or regulatory provision; 2° Two members appointed by order of the Minister for the Economy, on the proposal of the Fédération française des clubs automobiles and the…

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Article R421-26 of the French Insurance Code

The guarantee fund is subject to control by the Minister for the Economy and Finance. A Government Commissioner appointed by the Minister for the Economy and Finance supervises the overall management of the fund on behalf of the Minister. He may attend all meetings of the Board of Directors or any committees set up by the Board. It may ask to see all accounting books and documents. Decisions taken by…

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Article R421-27 of the French Insurance Code

For the application of the provisions of article L. 421-4, contributions to the guarantee fund are assessed and collected as follows: 1° (repealed) 2° (repealed) 3° The contribution from insurance companies is proportional to the premiums or contributions for the last financial year, including accessories and reminders and after deductions for cancellations, relating to insurance of land motor vehicles and vehicle trailers or semi-trailers when the risk is located in…

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Article R421-28 of the French Insurance Code

The rates of the contributions referred to in Article R. 421-27 are set by order of the Minister responsible for insurance, subject to the following maximum amounts: -Contribution from insurance companies in respect of the motor section: 12% of the total expenses of this section. -Contribution from those responsible for uninsured accidents: 10% of the compensation payable by them. However, this rate is reduced to 5% when the accident was…

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Article R421-37 of the French Insurance Code

Subject to the rules set out in the following paragraph, public accountants, who are the consignees of extracts of judgments and rulings, shall collect, under the same conditions as fines, the 50% surcharge instituted for the benefit of the guarantee fund by the first paragraph of article L. 211-27 and the sums owed by the insurer in the event of a manifestly insufficient offer established by the judge pursuant to…

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