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Article R421-54 of the French Insurance Code

The liquidator referred to in article R. 421-53 shall, with the agreement of the guarantee fund, manage the files relating to compensation for losses covered by insurance, the subscription of which is made compulsory by articles L. 211-1 or L. 242-1, and which are insured with the company in liquidation. It must, at the request of the fund, provide it with any explanations or documents relating to these cases. All…

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Article R421-55 of the French Insurance Code

Insured persons who have taken out, subscribed to or received benefits under insurance contracts taken out with an insurance company whose authorisation has been withdrawn shall be paid within the time limits set out in: 1° Articles L. 211-9 and L. 211-17, where the fund pays compensation for the losses referred to in Article L. 211-1; 2° In article L. 242-1, in the event that the fund assumes responsibility for…

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Article R421-56 of the French Insurance Code

In order to determine the principle or the extent of their right to compensation, injured third parties may not summon the guarantee fund before the courts, in particular to declare a joint judgment. The same applies to policyholders who wish to claim against the guarantee fund when the decision or settlement relates to a contract covered by the fund.

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Article R421-58 of the French Insurance Code

The following shall apply in the territories of New Caledonia, French Polynesia, the French Southern and Antarctic Territories and Wallis and Futuna : Section V of this chapter ; Sections I and IV of this chapter, insofar as they concern accidents caused by vehicles defined in article R. 421-1, 2nd paragraph.

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Article R421-60 of the French Insurance Code

Subject to the limits and conditions laid down by the legislative and regulatory provisions referred to in article L. 421-10 and articles R. 421-58 and R. 421-59, the guarantee fund shall pay compensation due to victims of accidents occurring in the territories referred to in article R. 421-58. However, the following are not covered a) Damage caused by land motor vehicles for which road insurance is not compulsory under the…

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Article R421-61 of the French Insurance Code

The contribution from insured persons provided for in 3° of article R. 421-27 is levied on the premiums and contributions defined in the said article and issued in the overseas territories mentioned in this section after the date of its entry into force. The contribution of those responsible for accidents not covered by insurance, provided for in 2° of article R. 421-27, is levied on accidents occurring in the overseas…

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Article R421-62 of the French Insurance Code

The public accountants, who are the consignees of extracts of judgments and rulings, recover, under the same conditions as fines, the 50% surcharge instituted for the benefit of the guarantee fund by the second paragraph of article L. 421-10. Receipts in respect of this surcharge are paid quarterly to the guarantee fund.

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Article R421-63 of the French Insurance Code

The provisions of Articles R. 421-58 to R. 421-62 come into force in the Territory of Wallis and Futuna on the first day of the calendar quarter following the date on which compulsory motor third party liability insurance comes into force in the Territory.

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