Article L2573-42 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
Articles L. 2322-1 and L. 2322-2 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia.
Articles L. 2322-1 and L. 2322-2 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia.
I. – Articles L. 2331-1 to L. 2331-4 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II, III, IV and V. II. – For its application to the communes of French Polynesia, Article L. 2331-1 reads as follows: “Art.L. 2331-1. The tax revenues of the operating section include the proceeds of taxes and duties whose basis of assessment is established and collection takes…
I. – Articles L. 2331-5to L. 2331-8, the first paragraph of article L. 2331-9 and article L. 2331-10 are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia subject to the adaptations provided for in II to VI. II. – For its application in French Polynesia, Article L. 2331-5 reads as follows: “Art.L. 2331-5. The tax revenues of the investment section include the amount of contributions to public facilities expenditure provided for…
I. – Article L. 2331-11 is applicable to the communes of French Polynesia subject to the provisions of II and III. II. – For the application of the first paragraph, the words: “local laws and customs” are replaced by the words: “locally applicable provisions”. III. – For the application of the second paragraph, the words: “as in matters of direct taxation” are replaced by the words: “in accordance with the…
I. – The articles L. 2333-76 to L. 2333-78, with the exception of its second to fourth paragraphs, are applicable to the communes of French Polynesia subject to the provisions set out in II and III. II. – For the application of the sixth and ninth paragraphs of Article L. 2333-76, the words: “or the tax provided for in Article 1520 of the General Tax Code” are deleted. III. –…
The municipal council sets the rates for the fees payable to the municipality for the occupation of the municipal public domain by the works of companies under concession or with road permits.
The municipal council sets the rates for the fees payable to the municipality for the occupation of the municipal public domain by electricity and gas transmission and distribution works and by individual electricity and gas lines or pipelines, in compliance with locally applicable regulations.
The municipal council determines the rates of the fees payable to the municipality for the occupation of the municipal public domain by pipelines intended for the transport of liquid or liquefied hydrocarbons under pressure, in compliance with the regulations applicable locally.
For its application in French Polynesia, Article L. 2333-87 reads as follows: “Art. L. 2333-87 -Without prejudice to the application of article L. 2213-2, the municipal council or the deliberative body of the public establishment for inter-communal cooperation or of the mixed syndicate competent for the organisation of transport, when authorised to do so by its articles of association, may establish a parking fee on roads that it determines. Where…
The communes receive resources from the intercommunal equalisation fund under the conditions provided for by Article 52 of Organic Law No. 2004-192 du 27 février 2004 portant statut d’autonomie de la Polynésie française.
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