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Article R822-106 of the French Commercial code

The liquidator may be replaced on grounds of impediment or for serious reasons by decision of the president of the judicial court of the place of the company’s registered office, ruling in summary proceedings, at the request either of the liquidator himself, or of the partners, shareholders or their successors. .

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Article R822-108 of the French Commercial code

The formation of a joint venture gives rise to the insertion of a notice in a medium authorised to receive legal announcements at the registered office of the company, if there is one, or at the place of business of each of the partners. The notice shall contain the name, object and, where applicable, the address of the registered office of the company.

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Article R822-111 of the French Commercial code

Sociétés de participations financières de profession libérale de commissaires aux comptes constituées sur le fondement de l’Article 31-1 of Law no. 90-1258 of 31st December 1990 relating to the practice in the form of companies of liberal professions subject to a legislative or regulatory status or whose title is protected and to companies for the financial participation of liberal professions are governed by the provisions of Book II of this…

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Article R822-113 of the French Commercial code

The formation of the company is the subject of a declaration sent by the partners, who appoint a joint representative, to the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes. A copy of the company’s articles of association is attached to the declaration, which includes a list of the partners with an indication of their profession or status, as appropriate, followed, for each, by an indication of the share of capital they…

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Article R822-114 of the French Commercial code

An order of the Minister of Justice sets the conditions under which the list of sociétés de participations financières de profession libérale de commissaires aux comptes is kept, updated, published and sent annually to the Haut Conseil du commissariat aux comptes by the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes.

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Article R822-115 of the French Commercial code

The registration of the company in the Trade and Companies Register is governed by articles R. 123-31 and following, subject to the provisions below. The company is exempt from the publication formalities provided for in articles R. 210-16 et seq.

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Article R822-116 of the French Commercial code

The société de participations financières de profession libérale de commissaires aux comptes shall inform the Compagnie nationale des commissaires aux comptes, within thirty days of the date on which it occurs, of any change in the situation declared pursuant to article R. 822-113.

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