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Article R823-17-1 of the French Commercial code

For engagements other than the certification of accounts and for services, an engagement letter must be drawn up by the parties prior to the performance of the engagement or service. In particular, it sets out the commitments of the parties and the amount of the fees, which takes into account the extent of the work to be performed.

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Article R823-18 of the French Commercial code

For audit certification engagements, in the event of disagreement between the statutory auditor(s) and the management of the audited person or entity on the amount of remuneration, the president of the regional company, referred to in writing by the interested party, shall attempt to reconcile the parties. Where the statutory auditors are attached to separate regional companies, the conciliation attempt is conducted by the president of the regional company to…

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Article R823-19 of the French Commercial code

The secretariat of the restricted formation summonses the parties to appear before it at least fifteen days before the hearing, by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt. Where appropriate, the parties’ lawyers are notified of the date of the hearing by the secretariat of the restricted formation by simple letter. On receipt of the summons to appear, the parties may acquaint themselves with the case file. They may be assisted…

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Article R823-20 of the French Commercial code

The decision handed down by the High Council’s restricted panel on fees may be appealed to the Court of Cassation on the initiative of the interested parties, under the conditions set out in Articles 612 et seq. of the Code of Civil Procedure.

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Article R823-21 of the French Commercial code

The statutory auditor appointed to a public interest entity or finance company for a statutory audit engagement shall publish on its website a transparency report, relating in particular to its own structure, drawn up in accordance with the provisions of Article 13 of Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 of 16 April 2014, within four months of the end of the financial year. The statutory auditor shall inform the High Council of…

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Article R823-21-1 of the French Commercial code

The supplementary report drawn up pursuant to III of article L. 823-16 is submitted to the specialised committee mentioned in article L. 823-19 or to the body performing the functions of this committee, no later than the date of signature of the report referred to in article R. 823-7. At the request of the High Council, the statutory auditor shall provide it with this report without delay. At the request…

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Article R823-21-2 of the French Commercial code

The statutory auditor who, pursuant to III of article L. 823-18, applying to be authorised to exceed the ceiling on fees provided for in II of the same article shall send the bureau of the High Council a request comprising: 1° Documents relating to the fees invoiced, over the last three financial years, for its task of certifying the annual and consolidated financial statements of the public interest entity whose…

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Article R823-21-3 of the French Commercial code

The statutory auditor of a public interest entity shall, at the request of the specialised committee mentioned in article L. 823-19 or the body performing the functions of this committee, the findings and conclusions of the Haut conseil du commissariat aux comptes following the audits carried out pursuant to article L. 821-9 which concern: 1° Assessing the design of the internal quality control system; 2° Assessing the content of the…

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Article R824-1 of the French Commercial code

The notifications and summonses provided for in this chapter shall be made by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, by hand delivery against a receipt, by bailiff’s deed or by any other means enabling the date of its receipt to be ascertained. When service is effected by a bailiff, the bailiff shall proceed in accordance with the procedures set out in articles 555 to 563 of the Code of Criminal…

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Article R824-2 of the French Commercial code

I.-Persons may be authorised as investigators if they have at least three years’ professional experience in the legal, accounting or financial fields or in the field of certification of accounts or financial information and have not been convicted of any of the offences referred to in Article L. 500-1 of the Monetary and Financial Code. The General Reporter authorises investigators on an individual basis for a renewable period of three…

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