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Article R824-3 of the French Commercial code

When carrying out investigative acts on business premises, the investigator shall inform the statutory auditor or the manager of the legal entity concerned of the purpose of the audits he intends to undertake at the latest at the time of undertaking the audits. The investigator may only enter the premises of the audited person during normal operating hours and in the presence of the manager or his representative. He shall…

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Article R824-4 of the French Commercial code

Investigative acts carried out on business premises are the subject of a report to which is attached an inventory of the exhibits and documents of which the investigator has taken copies. The report shall state the purpose of the investigation, the identity of the investigator, and the nature, date and location of the observations made. It shall mention, where appropriate, the reasons that prevented or hindered the proper conduct of…

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Article R824-5 of the French Commercial code

The investigator may summon and hear any person likely to be able to provide him with any information useful to the accomplishment of his mission. The summons shall be sent to the person concerned at least eight days before the date of the hearing, unless the person concerned waives this deadline. It shall refer to the mission order and remind the person summoned that he or she may be assisted…

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Article R824-6 of the French Commercial code

When the general rapporteur or an investigator entrusts an auditor registered on the list mentioned in 5° of Article L. 824-5 the performance of verifications or investigative acts, it shall draw up a mission order indicating the identity of its holder and the verifications and acts authorised. The statutory auditor referred to in the first paragraph may receive remuneration from the High Council in this respect, on the basis of…

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Article R824-7 of the French Commercial code

I.-When, pursuant to 6° of Article L. 824-5, the general rapporteur or an investigator calls upon one or more experts, his decision shall define the subject of the expert appraisal, set the timeframe for its completion and assess the corresponding foreseeable fees. Prior to the expert appraisal operations, the appointed experts shall certify to the general rapporteur that they meet the conditions mentioned in II of Article R. 824-2. The…

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Article R824-8 of the French Commercial code

I.-When the General Rapporteur intends to submit to the High Council a request for the provisional suspension of a statutory auditor pursuant to Article L. 824-7, it will notify the interested party of the decision and the grievances, and will give the latter fifteen days from receipt of the notification to submit its observations. In urgent cases, this period is reduced to seventy-two hours. II.-When the High Council receives a…

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Article R824-10 of the French Commercial code

When the High Council receives the investigation report referred to in Article L. 824-8 from the General Rapporteur, its Chairman shall convene the members of the College, excluding the members of the restricted formation, in order to deliberate on the action to be taken on the report. The general rapporteur or the investigator in charge of the case will be heard if the Board deems it necessary. The College deliberates…

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Article R824-11 of the French Commercial code

When the Board, in the formation mentioned in the previous article, considers that the facts are likely to justify the initiation of sanction proceedings, the letter of notification of grievances mentioned in article L. 824-8 informs the person being prosecuted that he or she may acquaint himself or herself with the case file and obtain a copy of the exhibits, where appropriate by electronic means, and that he or she…

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Article R824-13 of the French Commercial code

A copy of the statement of objections together with a copy of the investigation report and the investigation file is forwarded for referral by the general rapporteur to the chairman of the restricted panel as soon as it is sent to the accused person. The final report together with the observations of the accused person and the entire file is sent by the general rapporteur to the chairman of the…

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