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Article R426-11 of the French Insurance Code

The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of the Union des entreprises et des salariés pour le logement verifies compliance with the accounting provisions applicable to the Fonds de garantie universelle des risques locatifs, in particular those relating to the calculation of provisions, and the accuracy of the information provided to the Supervisory Board. It also monitors the quality of internal control over the fund’s operations. Where appropriate, it makes…

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Article R427-2 of the French Insurance Code

The resources referred to in article R. 427-1 are intended to cover : 1° In respect of the compensation referred to in I of Article L. 426-1 : a) Compensation expenses ; b) Costs incurred by the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance ; c) Costs relating to proceedings and settlements to which the fund is a party; 2° In respect of the compensation referred to in II of Article L. 426-1…

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Article R427-3 of the French Insurance Code

The annual flat-rate contribution instituted in V of article L. 426-1 is due in respect of any insurance contract concluded pursuant to the first paragraph of article L. 1142-2 of the Public Health Code and taken out with an undertaking referred to in article L. 310-2 of this Code. This contribution is collected by the insurance company when it issues the premiums or contributions it collects each year. It is…

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Article R427-5 of the French Insurance Code

The management referred to in Article R. 427-4 is accounted for separately from the other operations carried out by the fund. The available assets of the fund are invested by the Caisse centrale de réassurance in the assets mentioned in article R. 332-2. When the assets capitalised by the fund are less than 15 million euros, these assets are invested in the assets mentioned in 1° to 3° of article…

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Article R427-7 of the French Insurance Code

A management board is set up for the fund referred to in Article L. 426-1. This board is chaired by the chairman of the board of directors of the Caisse centrale de réassurance. The Board also includes: 1° The Director General of the Treasury or his representative; 2° The Director of Social Security or his representative; 3° The Director of the Budget or his representative; 4° Two representatives of insurance…

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Article R427-8 of the French Insurance Code

The Management Board meets at least once a year when convened by its Chairman, either on his own initiative or at the request of the Minister for the Economy or the Minister for Health. The secretariat of the Management Board is provided by the Caisse Centrale de Réassurance.

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Article R427-9 of the French Insurance Code

The Management Board is consulted on the Fund’s draft annual accounts. It may be consulted by the ministers responsible for the economy or health on any matter relating to the purpose of the fund. It is informed of the operations carried out by the fund.

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