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Article R752-43-4 of the French Commercial code

The new application must include, in addition to the opinion or decision of the National Commission on the project, the updated commercial development authorisation application file. If the application is not accepted, it must be accompanied by a summary of the adjustments made to the project. On pain of inadmissibility, the applicant has five days from the date of referral to the National Commission to notify the new application to…

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Article R752-43-5 of the French Commercial code

The four-month period allowed for the National Commission to give its decision begins on receipt of the new application by its secretariat. The National Commission forwards the new application to the departmental investigating departments for their opinion, under cover of the Prefect. The applicant is summoned in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of article R. 752-34.

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Article R752-43-6 of the French Commercial code

The provisions of article R. 752-35 are applicable. However, the documents mentioned in the third to seventh paragraphs of this article are replaced by the following documents: 4° The report of the National Commission’s investigating department on the new application.

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Article R752-43-7 of the French Commercial code

The provisions of article R. 752-36 are applicable. In the event that the matter has previously been referred to the National Commission by third parties, the latter shall have two months from notification of the new request provided for in Article R. 752-43-4, to send their submissions to the National Commission. Once this deadline has passed, the National Commission will disregard them. .

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Article R752-43-9 of the French Commercial code

The provisions of article R. 752-39 are applicable. In addition to the addressees mentioned in the first paragraph of this article, the new notice or decision is also notified, subject to the same time limit, to the third parties mentioned in article R. 752-43-7 who have sent new written contributions to the National Commission or have asked to be heard as part of the new application.

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Article R752-44 of the French Commercial code

1° For shops and commercial complexes: a) The sales area referred to, as appropriate, in a, b, d or e of 1° of I of Article R. 752-6, before and after completion of the project, with, where applicable, details of the sales area of each business whose sales area reaches or exceeds 300 m2 , before and after completion of the project; b) The sector of activity mentioned, as appropriate,…

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Article R752-44-1 of the French Commercial code

The certificate of conformity provided for in Article L. 752-23 for the projects mentioned in article R. 752-44 : 1° For projects not requiring planning permission: a) The commercial operating authorisation; b) Proof of the date of its notification pursuant to article R. 752-19, R. 752-39 or R. 752-43-9; 2° For projects subject to a commercial development permit requiring a building permit: a) The favourable opinion of the commercial development…

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Article R752-44-2 of the French Commercial code

The authorisation provided for in the first paragraph of Article L. 752-23 is granted to any legal entity meeting the following conditions: 1° Neither it nor any of its legal representatives, members or employees has been convicted of a criminal offence by a French or foreign court for an offence relating to corruption or trading in influence, embezzlement, fraud or extortion within the meaning of the code pénal; 2° Justify…

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Article R752-44-3 of the French Commercial code

The authorisation application form conforms to a model set by order of the Minister responsible for the economy. It shall be submitted, dated and signed by the legal representative of the applicant organisation and accompanied by documents proving compliance with the conditions laid down in article R. 752-44-2.

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