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Article L2162-6 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in Article 511-25 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: “I Carrying out the activities required to receive a human embryo under the conditions set out in article L. 2141-6 of the Public Health Code: 1° Without having been informed of the results of the tests for infectious diseases required in the sixth paragraph of the same article ; 2° Or outside an establishment authorised in accordance with the…

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Article L2162-8 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in article 511-25-1 of the French Criminal Code , reproduced below: “Is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros: 1° Importing or exporting gametes or germ tissue without having obtained the authorisation provided for in Article L. 2141-11-1 of the Public Health Code; 2° Importing or exporting gametes or germ tissue for purposes other than those set out in the authorisation referred to in…

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Article L2163-1 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in Article 214-2 of the French Criminal Code, reproduced below: Art. 214-2-The act of carrying out an intervention with the aim of creating a child genetically identical to another person, whether living or dead, is punishable by thirty years’ imprisonment and a fine of 7,500,000 Euros.

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Article L2163-2 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in Articles 511-1 and 511-1-1 of the French Criminal Code, reproduced below: Art. 511-1-The taking of cells or gametes for the purpose of creating a child genetically identical to another person, whether living or deceased, is punishable by ten years’ imprisonment and a fine of 150,000 Euros. Art. 511-1-1- Where the offence referred to in Article 511-1 is committed abroad by a French national or by a person…

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Article L2163-3 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in Article 511-17 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: Art. 511-17-The act of conceiving human embryos in vitro or creating them by cloning for industrial or commercial purposes is punishable by seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 Euros. The same penalties shall apply to the use of human embryos for industrial or commercial purposes.

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Article L2163-4 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in Article 511-18 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: Art. 511-18 -The act of conceiving human embryos in vitro or creating them by cloning for research purposes is punishable by seven years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100,000 Euros.

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Article L2163-6 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in Article 511-19 of the Criminal Code, reproduced below: Art. 511-19.-I.-The fact of carrying out a study or research on the human embryo: 1° Without having first obtained the written consent and authorisation referred to in Article L. 2151-5 of the Public Health Code, or when this authorisation has been withdrawn, suspended or the consent revoked ; 2° Without complying with the legislative and regulatory requirements or those…

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Article L2163-7 of the French Public Health Code

As stated in article 511-19-2 of the French Criminal Code, which is reproduced below: Art. 511-19-2 -The following is punishable by two years’ imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 Euros: “1° Conserving embryos or embryonic stem cells without having obtained one of the authorisations or made one of the declarations mentioned in Article L. 2151-9 of the Public Health Code or when this authorisation has been withdrawn or suspended or…

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