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Article L232-23 of the French Commercial code

I. – Every joint-stock company is required to file with the court registry, to be appended to the register of commerce and companies, within one month of the approval of the annual accounts by the general meeting of shareholders or within two months of such approval when such filing is made by electronic means: 1° The annual financial statements, the management report, the statutory auditors’ report on the annual financial…

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Article L232-24 of the French Commercial code

The registrar, when he finds that the filing provided for in I of Articles L. 232-21 to L. 232-23 has not been made, shall inform the president of the commercial court so that he may apply Article L. 123-5-2 or of II of l’article L. 611-2 as well as the State representative in the département.

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Article L232-25 of the French Commercial code

When filing in accordance with I of articles L. 232-21 to L. 232-23, companies meeting the definition of micro-enterprises within the meaning of article L. 123-16-1, with the exception of the companies referred to in Article L. 123-16-2 and those whose business consists of managing equity interests and transferable securities, may declare that the annual accounts they file will not be made public. When the same filing is made, companies…

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Article L232-26 of the French Commercial code

When micro-enterprises make use of the option provided for in Article L. 232-25, the statutory auditors’ report is not made public. When small and medium-sized companies make use of the option provided for in the same Article L. 232-25, the documents made public are not accompanied by the statutory auditors’ report. They shall include a statement specifying whether the statutory auditors have certified the accounts without qualification, with qualification, whether…

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Article L233-5 of the French Commercial code

The Public Prosecutor and the Autorité des marchés financiers for companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a financial instruments market mentioned in II of Article L. 233-7 are empowered to take legal action to establish the existence of control over one or more companies.

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Article L233-5-1 of the French Commercial code

The decision by which a company which owns more than half the capital of another company within the meaning of Article L. 233-1, which has a holding within the meaning of Article L. 233-2 or which exercises control over a company within the meaning of Article L. 233-3 undertakes to assume, in the event of the failure of the related company, all or part of the preventive and remedial obligations…

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