Article R641-17 of the French Commercial code
The liquidator or the administrator, if one has been appointed, shall request that the seals be unsealed with a view to the inventory operations.
The liquidator or the administrator, if one has been appointed, shall request that the seals be unsealed with a view to the inventory operations.
The continuation of the business may be authorised under the conditions set out in article L. 641-10 for a period that may not exceed three months, subject to the provisions applicable to farms. This authorisation may be extended once, for the same period, at the request of the public prosecutor.
The thresholds above which the court appoints an administrator to administer the business are identical to the thresholds set by article R. 621-11.
The liquidator or administrator who administers the business after the opening or pronouncement of the judicial liquidation shall keep the official receiver and the public prosecutor informed of the results of the business at the end of the period during which it was continued.
The court clerk shall notify the other party to the contract of the decision of the juge-commissaire granting the liquidator, or the administrator where one has been appointed, the extension provided for in 1° of III of Article L. 641-11-1. The juge-commissaire notes, at the request of any interested party, the automatic termination of contracts in the cases provided for in III of Article L. 641-11-1 and in Article L….
The provisions of article R. 622-14 are applicable to judicial liquidation.
Articles R. 622-19 and R. 622-20 are applicable to judicial liquidation proceedings.
For the application of article R. 622-19, the funds are remitted to the liquidator for distribution. If the judicial liquidation is pronounced during an observation period, the mandataire judiciaire shall remit them to the liquidator for this purpose.
Articles R. 622-21 to R. 622-25 are applicable to the judicial liquidation procedure. The liquidator performs the functions assigned to the mandataire judiciaire by these provisions.
Litigation and civil enforcement proceedings suspended pursuant to the second paragraph of Article L. 622-28 shall be pursued at the initiative of the creditors benefiting from guarantees mentioned in the last paragraph of this article upon proof of the judgment pronouncing the compulsory liquidation. In application of the third paragraph of Article L. 622-28, these creditors may take protective measures under the conditions provided for in articles R. 511-1 et…
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