Article L235-5 of the French Commercial code
If, on expiry of the period provided for in Article L. 235-4, no decision has been taken, the court shall rule at the request of the most diligent party.
If, on expiry of the period provided for in Article L. 235-4, no decision has been taken, the court shall rule at the request of the most diligent party.
In the event of the nullity of a company or of acts and deliberations subsequent to its incorporation, based on a defect in consent or the incapacity of a member, and where regularisation can be effected, any person having an interest therein may give formal notice to the person likely to effect the nullity, either to regularise the situation or to bring an action for nullity within a period of…
Where the nullity of acts and deliberations subsequent to the formation of the company is based on a breach of the rules of disclosure, any person with an interest in the regularisation of the act may give the company formal notice to do so, within a period set by decree in the Conseil d’Etat. Failing regularisation within this period, any interested party may request the appointment, by court order, of…
A merger or demerger may be declared null and void only if the deliberations of one of the meetings that decided on the merger or demerger are null and void or if the declaration of conformity referred to in Article L. 236-17 has not been filed. Where it is possible to remedy the irregularity likely to result in nullity, the court hearing the action for nullity of a merger or…
Actions for nullity of the company or of acts and deliberations subsequent to its incorporation shall be barred after three years from the day on which the nullity is incurred, subject to the limitation period provided for in Article L. 235-6. However, an action for the nullity of a merger or demerger of companies shall be barred after six months from the date of the last entry in the Trade…
Where the company is declared null and void, it shall be wound up in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association and Chapter VII of this Title.
When a court decision declaring a merger or demerger null and void has become final, that decision shall be publicised in a manner to be determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat. It shall have no effect on the obligations arising for or in favour of the companies to which the assets or liabilities are transferred between the date on which the merger or demerger takes effect and the date…
Neither the company nor the members may rely on a nullity against third parties acting in good faith. However, nullity resulting from incapacity or a defect in consent may be relied on even against third parties, by the incapable person and his legal representatives, or by the partner whose consent was taken by mistake, fraud or violence.
An action for liability based on the annulment of the company or of the acts and deliberations subsequent to its incorporation shall be barred after three years from the date on which the annulment decision became res judicata. The disappearance of the cause of nullity shall not prevent the bringing of an action for damages seeking compensation for the loss caused by the defect with which the company, act or…
A failure by the chairman of the management and administrative bodies or the chairman of the meeting of these bodies to record the deliberations of these bodies in minutes shall be sanctioned by the nullity of the deliberations of the said bodies. The action is open to any director, member of the management board or member of the supervisory board. This action for nullity may be brought until the approval…
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