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Article R822-46 of the French Commercial code

A firm of statutory auditors that is transformed into a firm of statutory auditors of a different form applies for a corresponding change in its registration on the list. The request is sent to the High Council, which ensures, before making the change, that the new articles of association comply with the legislative and regulatory provisions governing the company. In the event of non-compliance, the High Council sets a deadline…

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Article R822-48 of the French Commercial code

The application to register the company in the Trade and Companies Register is drawn up in accordance with the conditions set out in Book I. The notice inserted in the Bulletin officiel des annonces civiles et commerciales contains the information provided for in article R. 123-157.

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Article R822-49 of the French Commercial code

The High Council sends a copy of the decision to include the company on the list to the clerk of the court where the application for registration of the company in the register of companies was filed. Production of this ampliation provides proof that the company has the authorisation required to carry out its activity and that the members themselves have the authorisation, diplomas or qualifications required to carry out…

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Article R822-50 of the French Commercial code

Any transfer by one of the partners of all or part of his capital securities or shares to a third party with a view to the practice of the profession within the company is made subject to the suspensive condition of the new partner’s registration on the list.

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Article R822-52 of the French Commercial code

In the event of the withdrawal or entry of members, shareholders or members of the management, executive, administrative or supervisory bodies, the company shall apply to the High Council for a change in the particulars appearing on the list in I of Article L. 822-1. If the High Council finds that the company, following the transaction, remains incorporated in accordance with the laws or regulations governing it, in particular Article…

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