Article L7343-26 of the French Labour Code
The organisations recognised as representative of the platforms pursuant to Article L. 7343-24 appoint a number of representatives determined by decree.
Home | French Legislation Articles | French Labour Code | Legislative part | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book III: Travellers, representatives or salespersons, managers of branches, salaried entrepreneurs associated with a cooperative of activity and employment and workers using an electronic contact platform. | Page 9
The organisations recognised as representative of the platforms pursuant to Article L. 7343-24 appoint a number of representatives determined by decree.
The provisions of this section shall apply to platforms in the sectors of activity mentioned in Article L. 7343-1, hereinafter referred to as “platforms”, and to self-employed workers using these platforms as defined in Article L. 7341-1, hereinafter referred to as “workers”.
Agreements, hereinafter referred to as “sector collective agreements”, may be concluded at the level of the sectors of activity mentioned in article L. 7343-1. In particular, they may cover all working conditions, remuneration and the exercise of professional activity, vocational training and social guarantees for workers, as well as the establishment and termination of commercial relations with platforms. They may contain provisions that are more favourable to employees than the…
I.-The collective agreement for the sector is negotiated and concluded by : -on the one hand, one or more workers’ organisations recognised as representative in the sector and appearing on the list provided for in article L. 7343-4 ; -on the other hand, one or more professional organisations of platforms recognised as representative in the sector and appearing on the list provided for in article L. 7343-24. II.Its validity is…
A serious and fair start to negotiations implies that the organisations representing the platforms provide the organisations representing the employees with the information they need to negotiate in full knowledge of the facts, and have given a reasoned response to any proposals they may make.
The agreement is concluded for a fixed or indefinite period. In the absence of any stipulation in the agreement as to its duration, this is set at five years. When the agreement expires, it ceases to have effect.
The agreement shall be in writing, failing which it shall be null and void. The agreement shall be drawn up in French. Any clause drafted in a foreign language may not be invoked against a worker referred to in article L. 7341-1 who would be adversely affected by it.
The most diligent of the signatory organisations notifies the text of the agreement to all the representative organisations in the sector concerned.
Collective sector agreements are made public and included in a national database, the content of which is published online in an easily reusable open standard. They are published in a version that does not include the full names of the negotiators and signatories. After the agreement has been concluded, the parties may agree that part of the agreement need not be published in accordance with the first paragraph. This act,…
The agreement is filed with the services of the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority under conditions determined by regulation.
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