Article R242-13 of the French Consumer Code
Supplying an invoice that is not presented in accordance with the provisions determined by order made pursuant to article L. 224-12 is punishable by the fine laid down for 5th class offences.
Supplying an invoice that is not presented in accordance with the provisions determined by order made pursuant to article L. 224-12 is punishable by the fine laid down for 5th class offences.
The fact of charging a consumer, for the termination of their electricity or natural gas supply contract, costs other than those explicitly provided for in the second paragraph of article L. 224-15 is punishable by the fine laid down for 5th class offences.
A repeat offence of the offences punishable under articles R. 242-6 to R. 242-14 shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the Penal Code.
If a trader fails to mention in the annex to the contract provided for in article L. 224-90 the information provided for in article R. 224-1, is punishable by a 5th class fine.
A failure by a professional to provide his co-contractor, at the time of conclusion of the contract, with a copy of the contract, with its annex, as provided for in article L. 224-90 is punishable by a 5th class fine.
The fact that a professional collects, before expiry of the waiver period provided for in article L. 224-91, a payment or deposit in any form whatsoever is punishable by the fine laid down for 5th class offences.
The fact that a professional distributes a personalised ad that does not comply with the requirements of article L. 224-93 is punishable by the fine laid down for 5th class offences.
A repeat offence of the offences punishable under articles R. 242-16 to R. 242-19 shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of articles 132-11 and 132-15 of the Penal Code.
The provisions of the articles mentioned in the left-hand column of the following table shall apply in the Wallis and Futuna Islands, in the wording indicated in the right-hand column of the same table: APPLICABLE ARTICLES IN THEIR WORDS R. 222-1 to R. 222-4 Resulting from the décret n° 2016-884 du 29 juin 2016 R. 242-1 to R. 242-4 Resulting from decree no. 2016-884 of 29 June 2016
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