Article R7122-13 of the French Labour Code
The annual ceiling for performing live entertainment without being subject to the reporting obligations mentioned in article L. 7122-3 is set at six performances.
The annual ceiling for performing live entertainment without being subject to the reporting obligations mentioned in article L. 7122-3 is set at six performances.
The employer shall make the compulsory declarations referred to in article L. 7122-23 by means of the single, simplified declaration referred to in article R. 7122-16, under the conditions laid down inarticle L. 133-9 of the Social Security Code.
The single, simplified declaration concerns the recruitment and employment of performing artists as well as workers and technicians in the performing arts occupying one of the jobs defined by the agreement relating to the application of the unemployment insurance scheme to these occupations provided for in article L. 5422-20.
The single, simplified declaration makes it possible to comply with : 1° The declarations provided for by the following provisions, or required for their application: a) Articles 87 A and 87-0 A of the General Tax Code ; b) Articles L. 922-2 , R. 243-2 , R. 243-13 , R. 243-14 and R. 312-4 of the Social Security Code ; c) Articles L. 1221-10 and L. 1221-11, relating to the…
The single, simplified declaration comprises two parts: 1° A first part which enables the pre-employment declaration provided for in Article L. 1221-10 to be made; 2° A second part enabling the other obligations mentioned in articles L. 7122-24 and R. 7122-16 to be met.
The employer is deemed to have fulfilled the obligations listed in articles L. 7122-24 and R. 7122-16 when the two parts of the single and simplified declaration contain the following information: 1° Information relating to the employer : a) Surname, first name or company name ; b) APE code ; c) SIRET number ; d) Registration number in the national register for the identification of natural persons when the employer…
The employers mentioned in article L. 7122-22 send the single, simplified declaration to the body authorised by the State.
No later than at the time of recruitment, the employer shall send to the authorised body the first part of the declaration enabling the obligation provided for in article L. 1221-10 to be met. The employer is exempted from sending the documents provided for in article R. 1221-3. When the employer does not have the declaration before the actual start of work, he shall comply with the provisions of articles…
No later than two days after recruitment, the employer shall provide the employee with a copy of the second part of the single, simplified declaration enabling the obligations relating to the form, content and transmission of the fixed-term employment contract set out in Articles L. 1242-12 and L. 1242-13 to be met.
At the end of the employment contract, the employer will give the employee a copy of the second part of the single, simplified declaration in order to meet the obligations to issue unemployment insurance certificates, the work certificate and the certificate justifying entitlement to leave, as provided for in articles L. 1234-19, R. 1234-9 and D. 3141-9.
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