Article R4624-57 of the French Labour Code
The model for the notice of fitness or unfitness is set by order of the Minister for Employment.
The model for the notice of fitness or unfitness is set by order of the Minister for Employment.
The occupational health physician participates, in particular in liaison with the occupational health inspector, in all research, studies and surveys, particularly of an epidemiological nature, within the scope of his duties.
The health monitoring provided for in Article L. 4624-1-1 is applicable to workers who meet the following conditions: 1° The worker simultaneously performs at least two employment contracts, whether fixed-term or open-ended; 2° The jobs concerned fall within the same socio-professional category according to the nomenclature of professions and socio-professional categories of salaried jobs of private and public employers. 3° The type of individual monitoring of the worker’s state of…
The employer with whom the employee has the longest-standing contractual relationship, including where his contract of employment has given rise to a legal transfer within the meaning of Article L. 1224-1 or a contractual transfer within the meaning of Article L. 2253-1, is his main employer for the purposes of applying the provisions of this section.
The main employer’s inter-company occupational health and prevention service will assess, in the light of the information available to it, in particular that provided by the worker’s employers, whether the worker meets the conditions laid down in Article D. 4624-59. Where necessary, the employer may ask his worker to inform him of the conclusion of other employment contracts with one or more other employers during the term of his contract,…
The monitoring of a worker’s state of health provided for in Article L. 4624-1-1 is carried out by the main employer’s inter-company occupational health and prevention service, to which the other employers belong in respect of this worker. The main employer’s inter-company occupational health and prevention service may not object to the other employers joining in this capacity. If the contractual relationship between the employee and the main employer is…
For workers whose state of health is monitored in accordance with article L. 4624-1-1, the return visit provided for in article R. 4624-31 is requested: 1° By the main employer, if this visit follows maternity leave, or an absence of at least sixty days due to illness or a non-occupational accident ; 2° By the main employer, if this visit follows an absence due to an occupational illness; 3° By…
If the certificate or opinion mentioned in articles R. 4624-14 and R. 4624-25 is issued, the health professional will give his opinion with regard to the job and issue this document to each employer. However, if these documents provide for workstation adjustments, unfitness opinions or different opinions, they are issued for each workstation occupied by the worker to each of his employers. At the end of the visit or examination,…
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