Article R3135-9 of the French Public procurement code
When several successive modifications covered by article R. 3135-8 are made, the conceding authority takes into account their cumulative amount.
When several successive modifications covered by article R. 3135-8 are made, the conceding authority takes into account their cumulative amount.
For concession contracts not covered by Chapter VI of Title II of this Book, the conceding authority publishes a notice of modification of the concession contract in the cases provided for in Articles R. 3135-2 and R. 3135-5. This notice is published in the Official Journal of the European Union under the conditions set out in Articles R. 3122-4 to R. 3122-6, in accordance with the model set out in…
Without prejudice to special regulatory provisions, pursuant to Article L. 3200-1, the concession contracts mentioned in Articles L. 3211-1 to L. 3215-1 are subject to the special legal regime defined in this Title.
For the application of article L. 3214-1, the conceding authority publishes an award notice when the following cumulative conditions are met: 1° The estimated value of the concession contract is equal to or greater than the threshold mentioned in a notice annexed to this code; 2° The sectoral legislation of the European Union does not provide for transparency obligations for the award of this contract.
The concession contracts mentioned in articles L. 3211-1 to L. 3215-1 are subject to the rules relating to payment periods set out in section 2 of chapter III of title III of book I and in article R. 3114-4.
The provisions of articles D. 3133-1 and D. 3133-2 are applicable to invoices issued in performance of the concession contracts referred to in the legislative provisions of Chapters I to IV of Title I.
The provisions of article R. 3133-3 are applicable to invoices issued in performance of concession contracts referred to in the legislative provisions of Chapters I to IV of Title I.
The concession contracts referred to in 11° of Article L. 3212-4 are governed, for their award and performance, by Decree no. 2019-1083 of 24 October 2019 on the procedures for awarding and performing public service contracts for passenger rail transport.
For the application of article D. 3114-3 in Mayotte, the words: “directeur départemental des finances publiques” are replaced by the words: “directeur régional des finances publiques de Mayotte”.
For the application of article D. 3114-3 to Saint-Barthélémy, the words: “Directeur Départemental des Finances Publiques” are replaced by the words: “Directeur Local des Finances Publiques de Saint-Barthélemy”.
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