Article 930 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure
For the application of article 523, the public prosecutor occupies the seat of the public prosecutor’s office before the police court.
For the application of article 523, the public prosecutor occupies the seat of the public prosecutor’s office before the police court.
Articles L. 952-6 and L. 952-7 of the Code of Judicial Organisation relating to the replacement of magistrates of the Court of First Instance and the special procedures for exercising judicial functions are applicable to the Police Court.
The time limit provided for in the first paragraph of Article 552 applies when the party summoned resides in the territorial collectivity. The time limit is increased by one month if the party summoned resides anywhere else in the territory of the Republic.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article 706-4, the president of the court of first instance shall exercise the powers vested in the compensation commission.
By way of derogation from the provisions of the second and third paragraphs of Article 712-2, the president of the court of first instance shall exercise the functions of a sentence enforcement judge. He or she shall exercise the powers devolved to the sentence enforcement court in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of Article 712-3.
In 5° of Article 706-167, the reference: “to the second and third paragraphs of Article 414 of the Customs Code” is replaced by the reference: “to the second and third paragraphs of Article 414 of the Customs Code applicable to Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon”.
For the application of the present code to Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin: 1° The words: “the department” are replaced by the words: “the local authority”; 2° In the absence of adaptations provided for by the present code, references made by it to provisions which are not applicable to Saint-Barthélemy and Saint-Martin are replaced by references to provisions with the same purpose applicable locally.
The adversarial hearings held pursuant to article 396 by the liberty and custody judge of the judicial court of Basse-Terre for defendants in the community of Saint-Martin may be carried out by means of audiovisual telecommunication, in accordance with Article 706-71. The provisions of the fourth and fifth paragraphs of this article then apply. A copy of the pre-trial detention order issued pursuant to the third paragraph of article 396…
Persons remanded in custody until their appearance before the court may be held in a premises other than a prison until the third working day following the order prescribing detention at the latest. Failing this, they shall be released automatically in accordance with the provisions of article 396. The provisions of articles 717-3 and 719-4 as well as those of the first five paragraphs of article 716 and the second…
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