Article L6222-23 of the French Labour Code
Apprentices benefit from the provisions applicable to all employees insofar as they do not conflict with those relating to their situation as young workers in training.
Apprentices benefit from the provisions applicable to all employees insofar as they do not conflict with those relating to their situation as young workers in training.
The time devoted by the apprentice to the training provided in the apprentice training centres is included in the working hours, except in the case of modules complementary to the training cycle, freely chosen by the apprentice and accepted by the apprentice training centre. For the remaining time, and within the limit of the working hours applicable in the company, the apprentice carries out the work assigned to him by…
The working time of an apprentice under the age of eighteen is determined under the conditions set out in article L. 3162-1.
Night work as defined in article L. 3163-1 is prohibited for apprentices under the age of eighteen. However, exemptions may be granted under the conditions set out in article L. 3163-2 for the establishments mentioned in that same article.
Subject to more favourable contractual or collective bargaining provisions, an apprentice may not be paid less than an amount determined as a percentage of the minimum growth wage and varying according to the age of the apprentice and his/her progress through the training cycle(s) covered by the apprenticeship.
Overtime is paid in the same way as any other employee of the company.
A decree shall determine the amount of the salary provided for in Article L. 6222-27 and the conditions under which benefits in kind may be deducted from the salary.
It is forbidden to employ apprentices in work that is dangerous to their health or safety.
For certain vocational training courses listed exhaustively by decree and under the conditions laid down by that decree, the apprentice may carry out all the work that his training may require, under the employer’s responsibility. To this end, the employer must submit a declaration to the regional directorate for companies, competition, consumption, labour and employment. These provisions apply without prejudice to the powers of control exercised by the Labour Inspectorate…
When apprentices attend the training centre, they continue to be covered by the social security system for accidents at work and occupational illnesses to which they are subject as employees.
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