Article D5424-75 of the French Labour Code
The allowance for self-employed workers referred to in Article L. 5424-25 is awarded for a period of one hundred and eighty-two calendar days.
The allowance for self-employed workers referred to in Article L. 5424-25 is awarded for a period of one hundred and eighty-two calendar days.
The period referred to in article D. 5424-75 runs from the date of registration on the jobseekers’ list or, if the person is already registered on this list, from the date of the first day of the month during which the application for the allowance was submitted.
Taking up a professional activity or following paid training does not prevent the resumption of payment of the specific solidarity allowance or the allowance for self-employed workers. In the case of the specific solidarity allowance, this payment may only be made on expiry of any rights to unemployment insurance benefits and on condition that it does not take place more than four years after the date of admission to the…
When the beneficiary of the specific solidarity allowance resumes an employed or self-employed professional activity, the remuneration derived from the exercise of this activity is fully cumulated with the payment of the specific solidarity allowance for a period of three months, consecutive or not, within the limit of the remaining rights to allowances. Any calendar month during which an activity, even an occasional or reduced activity, has been carried out…
If the beneficiary of the specific solidarity allowance stops working for at least three months, he/she may once again benefit in full from the provisions of this sub-section.
When the beneficiary of the specific solidarity allowance ceases to work during or at the end of the period of payment of the allowance, the four-year period instituted by article R. 5425-1 is not applied if the beneficiary requests the resumption of payment of the allowance he or she was receiving before the end of the month following the cessation of work.
Income from the professional activities referred to in articles R. 5425-2, R. 5425-6 and R. 5425-7 are taken into account when applying the resource conditions laid down for the benefit of the specific solidarity allowance.
By way of derogation from the provisions of sub-section 1, beneficiaries of the work integration contract mentioned in article L. 522-8 du code de l’action sociale et des familles may combine the remuneration received under this contract with payment of the specific solidarity allowance for the duration of the contract. The number of daily allowances is reduced by 60% of the gross remuneration received divided by the daily amount of…
Income from the professional activities referred to in article R. 5425-9 is taken into account when applying the means test for the specific solidarity allowance.
An unemployed worker receiving replacement income may carry out tasks of general interest as provided for in article L. 5425-9 for a maximum of fifty hours per month if the tasks in question give rise to remuneration and eighty hours per month if they do not.The period during which the worker may participate in tasks of general interest may not exceed six months.
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