Article D5427-3 of the French Labour Code
Two Government Commissioners, representing the Ministers for Employment and the Budget respectively, attend meetings of the Board of Directors and are heard whenever they so request.
Two Government Commissioners, representing the Ministers for Employment and the Budget respectively, attend meetings of the Board of Directors and are heard whenever they so request.
Associations pour l’emploi dans l’industrie et le commerce (Assédic) and the Union nationale interprofessionnelle pour l’emploi dans l’industrie et le commerce (Unédic) keep their accounts in accordance with a chart of accounts approved by the Minister of Finance, after consultation with the Conseil national pour la comptabilité. Instructions relating to the keeping of accounts are subject to the prior approval of the Minister of Finance.
The organisations listed in article D. 5427-4 carry out revenue and expenditure transactions in accordance with normal commercial practice. These transactions are always carried out under double signature, that of the Chairman of the Board of Directors and that of the Director of the organisation or, in their absence, the persons authorised for this purpose by the Board of Directors.
The bodies listed in Article D. 5427-4 are subject to audits by the Inspectorate General of Finances and by the accountants of the Directorate General of Public Finances. The latter will close the fund, ensure that the entries are in order and that article D. 5427-10 and the decree provided for in article L. 5427-10 have been correctly applied.
At the end of each financial year, the organisations listed in article D. 5427-4 draw up an operating account, a profit and loss account and a balance sheet. After approval of these documents by the Board of Directors, a copy is sent to the departmental or, where applicable, regional director of public finance responsible for audits and to the budget controller provided for in article D. 5427-11.
Supporting documents for income and expenditure must be kept for at least five years after the end of the financial year and must be produced whenever required.
At the end of each month and each year, Unédic draws up a statement showing, for each of the bodies listed in article D. 5427-4, statistical and financial information enabling their operation to be monitored.
The funds available to Assédic are paid to Unédic, which manages them in accordance with the conditions laid down by the decree provided for in Article L. 5427-10.
A budget controller shall exercise control over the bodies provided for in Article D. 5427-4 in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Decree no. 55-763 of 26 May 1955.
A decree issued on the report of the Minister of Finance determines the amount and terms of payments to be made by audited bodies to cover the costs incurred in carrying out the audit.
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