Article D5424-9 of the French Labour Code
The periods of seasonal cessation may vary according to the nature of the professions listed in article D. 5424-7. They may be revised each year before 1st August.
The periods of seasonal cessation may vary according to the nature of the professions listed in article D. 5424-7. They may be revised each year before 1st August.
The decision of the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment is subject to approval by the Minister for Employment.
The minimum number of hours of work giving entitlement to compensation for bad weather provided for in Article L. 5424-11 is set at 200 hours during the two months preceding the work stoppage.
The daily bad weather allowance is payable for each hour lost from the second onwards during the same week or during a continuous period of stoppage.
The compensation limit provided for in Article L. 5424-12 is set at three quarters of the salary. The maximum number of hours that can be compensated is set at nine hours per day up to a maximum of forty-five hours per week.
The maximum number of daily allowances that may be granted in a calendar year is fifty-five.
The amount of the hourly allowance paid in application of articles L. 5424-12 and L. 5424-13 is calculated on the basis of the hourly salary received by the employee on the day before the interruption of work, including, where applicable, bonuses ancillary to salary and performance bonuses. Bonuses representing expenses or risks and additional payments for overtime are excluded.
The part of the salary exceeding the amount corresponding to the salary limit for calculating social security contributions plus 20% is not taken into account in determining the basis for calculating the indemnity.
Hours worked to replace hours lost due to bad weather are paid in accordance with the regulations without taking into account the compensation to which they gave rise under Articles L. 5424-6 to L. 5424-19.
An employee benefiting from the bad weather unemployment scheme remains at the disposal of the company employing him/her at the time of the work stoppage throughout the period of inactivity on the site.
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