Article D4644-7 of the French Labour Code
The Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment registers the occupational risk prevention representative within one month of the date of receipt of the application.
The Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment registers the occupational risk prevention representative within one month of the date of receipt of the application.
The registration of occupational risk prevention professionals is renewed after a period of five years. It is valid for the whole of France.
The Regional Director of Companies, Competition, Consumption, Labour and Employment may terminate the registration of a professional risk prevention adviser at any time if the adviser does not have the necessary skills, does not comply with legal requirements or is no longer able to carry out his duties.
The occupational risk prevention adviser provides the Regional Director for Business, Competition, Consumer Affairs, Labour and Employment with the information needed to justify his activity.
A person from a Member State of the European Union who is not established in France may occasionally provide occupational risk prevention services if he can prove that he has equivalent skills or qualifications in his country of origin.
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