Article D3142-70 of the French Labour Code
The employee may contest the employer’s refusal to grant business creation leave within fifteen days of receiving notification of the refusal.
The employee may contest the employer’s refusal to grant business creation leave within fifteen days of receiving notification of the refusal.
In the event of a dispute, the Industrial Tribunal, to which the matter has been referred in accordance with Article L. 3142-113, shall have final jurisdiction.
The employer informs the employee of his agreement to the chosen starting date of the business creation leave or of its postponement by any means giving a date certain. In the absence of a response from the employee within thirty days of receipt of the request, his agreement is deemed to have been obtained.
In the absence of an agreement or convention mentioned in article L. 3142-117, the employee informs the employer by any means that provides a date certain, at least two months before the start of the leave or the period of part-time work for the creation or takeover of a business, of his wish to benefit from this leave or this period. The employee must specify the business activity of the…
In the absence of a convention or agreement mentioned in article L. 3142-117, the employer is informed of the request to extend a previously granted leave or period of part-time work for the creation or takeover of a business, under the conditions mentioned in article D. 3142-73, two months before its expiry.
In the absence of an agreement mentioned in article L 3142-117, the departure on leave may be deferred by the employer under the conditions mentioned in article L. 3142-114, in such a way that the percentage of employees simultaneously absent from the company on leave to create a business, to exercise management responsibilities within a company meeting the criteria of a young innovative company and on sabbatical leave does not…
In the absence of an agreement mentioned in article L. 3142-117, under the conditions mentioned in article L. 3142-115, in companies with at least three hundred employees, the start of the period of part-time work may be deferred by the employer if the percentage of employees in the company who simultaneously work part-time under this leave does not exceed 2% of the workforce in this company, until the date on…
In the absence of the agreement mentioned inarticle L. 3142-129, the employee informs the employer by any means giving a date certain, at least three months before the start of the leave or the period of part-time work devoted to teaching or research, of his wish to benefit from this leave or a reduction in his working time. The employee shall specify the duration of the leave or the extent…
In the absence of the agreement mentioned inarticle L. 3142-129, the request to extend the leave or the period of part-time work devoted to teaching or research previously granted is sent to the employer, under the conditions mentioned inarticle D. 3142-77, three months before its end when the duration of the leave or the period of part-time work is six months or more and at least two months before this…
In the absence of the agreement mentioned inarticle L. 3142-129, the employee informs the employer by any means giving a date certain of his intention to continue or to terminate his employment contract at the end of his leave or his period of part-time work, three months before its end when the duration of the leave or the period of part-time work is six months or more and at least…
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