Article L2135-4 of the French Labour Code
The accounts are drawn up by the management body and approved by the General Meeting of members or by a collegiate supervisory body designated by the Articles of Association.
The accounts are drawn up by the management body and approved by the General Meeting of members or by a collegiate supervisory body designated by the Articles of Association.
The professional trade unions of employees or employers, their unions and the associations of employees or employers mentioned in Article L. 2135-1 that are required to draw up accounts shall publish their accounts in accordance with the conditions determined by decree issued after obtaining the opinion of the French Accounting Standards Authority (Autorité des normes comptables). The first paragraph is applicable to the trade union or association which combines the…
Professional trade unions of employers, their unions and employers’ associations mentioned in Article L. 2135-1 that wish to establish their representativeness on the basis of Title V of this Book I are required to appoint at least one statutory auditor and, when the conditions defined in the second paragraph of I of Article L. 823-1 are met, a substitute. The obligation set out in the first paragraph of this article…
With his express agreement and under the conditions set out in article L. 2135-8, an employee may be made available to a trade union organisation or an employers’ association mentioned in article L. 2231-1. During this secondment, the employer’s obligations towards the employee are maintained. The agreement or arrangement provided for in article L. 2135-8 provides in particular for arrangements to enable the employer to comply with the adaptation training…
A collective bargaining agreement, a collective branch agreement or a company agreement determines the conditions under which employees may be seconded to trade unions or employers’ associations.
A joint fund, entrusted with a public service mission, providing a contribution to the financing of employees’ trade union organisations and employers’ professional organisations, in respect of their participation in the design, implementation, evaluation or monitoring of activities contributing to the development and exercise of the missions defined in article L. 2135-11, shall be created by an agreement concluded between the representative organisations of employees and employers at national and…
I. – The resources of the joint fund are made up of : 1° A contribution from the employers mentioned in article L. 2111-1 of the present code, based on the remuneration paid to the employees mentioned in the same article and included in the base for social security contributions defined in article L. 242-1 of the social security code and article L. 741-10 of the Rural and Maritime Fishing…
The joint fund helps to finance the following activities, which constitute missions of general interest for the employees’ trade union organisations and the professional employers’ organisations concerned: 1° The design, management, coordination and evaluation of policies conducted on a joint basis by means of the contribution referred to in 1° of the I of article L. 2135-10 and, where applicable, voluntary contributions paid pursuant to 2° of the same I…
The following shall benefit from the appropriations of the Joint Fund in respect of the performance of the tasks referred to in Article L. 2135-11: 1° Employees’ and employers’ organisations that are representative at national and cross-industry level, their territorial organisations, employers’ professional organisations that are representative at national and cross-industry level as well as those that are representative at branch level or, in the film production, audiovisual and entertainment…
I.-The joint fund allocates its credits : 1° Equally between employee trade union organisations, on the one hand, and professional employers’ organisations, on the other hand, in respect of the mission mentioned in 1° of article L. 2135-11, at national level and at branch level. The methods for distributing the funds between employee trade union organisations and between professional employers’ organisations are determined by regulation, in a uniform manner for…
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