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Article A322-8 of the French Sports Code

The diplomas provided for in article D. 322-11 for supervising bathing areas that are open to the public free of charge, that are equipped and authorised by the regulations are: – diplomas conferring the title of lifeguard; – the national aquatic safety and rescue certificate.

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Article A322-10 of the French Sports Code

The declaration provided for in article D. 322-13 shall be drawn up in triplicate. It shall include the surname, first name, date and place of birth and place of residence of the persons concerned, as well as their qualifications and diplomas. It must be accompanied by a civil status form less than three months old, a copy of each of the qualifications cited and a medical certificate less than three…

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Article A322-12 of the French Sports Code

The lifeguard and rescue organisation plan referred to in article D. 322-16 is drawn up by the operator of the bathing establishment with paid access. It forms part of the general safety organisation of the establishment. For the same establishment, it groups together all the measures for preventing accidents linked to aquatic, bathing and swimming activities and for planning emergency services, and its aim is: – to prevent accidents linked…

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Article A322-13 of the French Sports Code

The surveillance and rescue organisation plan, an example of which is given in annex III-10, includes all of the following elements: 1° A description accompanied by an overall plan of the facilities, showing in particular : – the pools, slides and special equipment; – the surveillance areas; – the surveillance posts; – the location of search, rescue and emergency equipment; – the chemical storage areas; – the pump stop controls…

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Article A322-14 of the French Sports Code

Based on the elements mentioned in article A. 322-13, and for each identified time slot corresponding to the same type of organisation defined, the surveillance and emergency organisation plan determines how surveillance is to be organised. It sets the number and qualifications of the person(s) assigned to supervise the defined areas. It sets the number of bathers who may be admitted simultaneously to the bathing establishment to practise the activities…

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Article A322-16 of the French Sports Code

All permanent or casual staff of the establishment must be familiar with the surveillance and rescue organisation plan, transmitted in accordance with the conditions set out in article D. 322-16. The operator must ensure that these staff are able to apply the said plan.

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Article A322-17 of the French Sports Code

An extract from this plan is displayed in a place where everyone can see it, particularly at the edge of the baths. In particular, users must be able to read the provisions relating to alarm procedures. To this end, instructions must be easily legible.

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