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Article L4142-3 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Without prejudice to the direct recourse available to it, if a natural or legal person is injured by an act mentioned in articles L. 4141-2 and L. 4141-4, it may, within two months of the date on which the act became enforceable, request the representative of the State in the region, to implement the procedure provided for in Article L. 4142-1. For the acts mentioned in article L. 4141-2, this…

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Article L4143-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Any taxpayer registered on the roll of the region has the right to exercise, both as plaintiff and defendant, at his own expense and risk, with the authorisation of the administrative tribunal, the actions which he believes belong to the region and which the latter, previously called upon to deliberate, has refused or neglected to exercise. The taxpayer submits a brief to the administrative tribunal. The president of the regional…

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Article L4151-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

For the preparation and execution of the deliberations of the Regional Council, its President may call upon decentralised State services as required. The President of the Regional Council issues all necessary instructions directly to the heads of department for the execution of the tasks he entrusts to them. He supervises the execution of these tasks. He may, under his supervision and responsibility, delegate his signature to the heads of the…

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Article L4152-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The coordination between the action of the regional services and that of the State services in the region is ensured jointly by the president of the regional council and the State representative in the region. In addition, an investment harmonisation conference meets at least twice a year to exchange information on the investment programmes of the State, the region and the départements. These meetings are attended by the president of…

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