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Article L4132-9-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The chairman may decide that the regional council meeting is to be held in several places by videoconference. Where the regional council meeting is held by videoconference, the quorum shall be assessed on the basis of the presence of the regional councillors in the various places by videoconference. Votes may only be taken by public ballot. If a request for a secret ballot is adopted, the Chairman shall postpone the…

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Article L4132-10 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Meetings of the Regional Council are public. However, at the request of five members or the Chairman, the Regional Council may decide, without debate, by an absolute majority of the members present or represented, that it shall meet in camera. Without prejudice to the powers held by the President of the Regional Council under Article L. 4132-11, these meetings may be broadcast by audiovisual media.

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Article L4132-12 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The minutes of each meeting, drawn up by one of the secretaries, are approved at the beginning of the following meeting and signed by the chairman and the secretary. The minutes shall indicate the date and time of the meeting, the names of the Chairman, of the members of the Regional Council present or represented and of the secretary or secretaries of the meeting, the quorum, the agenda for the…

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Article L4132-13 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The Regional Council may not deliberate unless an absolute majority of its members in office are present. However, if the Regional Council does not meet, on the day fixed by the notice convening the meeting, in sufficient number to deliberate, the meeting is held ipso jure three days later and the deliberations are then valid regardless of the number of those present. Subject to the provisions of articles L. 4133-1,…

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Article L4132-14 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Votes are taken by open ballot whenever one-sixth of the members present so request. In the event of a tie, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. Nonetheless, votes on appointments are always taken by secret ballot in cases where the law or regulations expressly so provide. In other cases, the Regional Council may decide unanimously not to make appointments by secret ballot. If only one application has been submitted…

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Article L4132-16 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

Any person has the right to request communication of the deliberations and minutes of the public meetings of the regional council, the deliberations of the standing committee, the budgets and accounts of the region and the decisions of the president. Each person may publish them under their own responsibility. The documents referred to in the second paragraph, which may be obtained both from the President of the Regional Council and…

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