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Article L4422-16 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

I. – On its own initiative or at the request of the Executive Council, or at the request of the Prime Minister, the Assembly of Corsica may submit proposals to amend or adapt regulatory provisions in force or in the process of being drawn up concerning the powers, organisation and operation of all the territorial authorities of Corsica, as well as any regulatory provisions concerning the economic, social and cultural…

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Article L4422-18 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

During the meeting provided for in Article L. 4422-8 and after electing its standing committee, the Assembly of Corsica shall elect from among its members the Executive Council of Corsica and its President, under the same conditions of quorum and majority as those laid down in Article L. 4422-8. The executive councillors of Corsica and the president of the executive council are elected by list ballot with the submission of…

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Article L4422-19 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The Executive Council is composed of a president assisted by ten executive councillors. For the application of all the provisions instituting incompatibilities between certain electoral mandates or elective functions, the functions of president of the Executive Council of Corsica are assimilated to those of president of a regional council.

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Article L4422-20 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

In the event of the death or resignation of one or more executive councillors other than the president, the assembly shall proceed, on the proposal of the president of the executive council of Corsica, to a new election to fill the vacant seat or seats within a period of one month. If only one seat is vacant, the election takes place according to the procedures and under the quorum conditions…

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Article L4422-21 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

In the event of the seat of President of the Corsican Executive Council becoming vacant for any reason whatsoever, its functions shall be temporarily exercised by an Executive Councillor chosen in the order of his election until the election of a new Executive Council under the conditions laid down in Article L. 4422-4.

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Article L4422-24 of the French General Code of Local Authorities

The Executive Council of Corsica directs the action of the territorial collectivity of Corsica, under the conditions and within the limits set by this title, particularly in the areas of economic and social development, educational and cultural action and spatial planning. It draws up, in consultation with the local authorities of the island, and implements the plan for the development and sustainable development of Corsica. .

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