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Article D116-2 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In the event of a decision on sentence reductions for a fraction of less than one year followed by the entry in the criminal record of one or more convictions allowing these sentence reductions to be examined for an annual fraction, the sentence enforcement judge may rescind his previous decision and re-examine the sentenced person’s situation for the annual fraction.

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Article D116-3 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Where a convicted person has to serve several custodial sentences covered by separate sentence reduction schemes, the strictest scheme shall apply as long as one or more of the sentences being served or due to be served corresponds to one of the convictions referred to in articles 721-1-1 and 721-1-2 or to one of the situations described in the eighth paragraph of Article 721. These rules are no longer applicable…

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Article D116-4 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Improper conduct on the part of the offender during the execution of a custodial sentence served under the semi-liberty, work release or electronically monitored home detention regime may justify the withdrawal of the sentence reduction, without prejudice to the possibility of withdrawing the accommodation measure.

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Article D116-5 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The misconduct of the convicted offender during the execution of his custodial sentence likely to give rise to a decision to withdraw the sentence reduction by the sentence enforcement judge pursuant to article 721 may result in particular from the fact that the convicted offender refuses to submit to the biological sampling provided for in the first paragraph of I of article 706-56 or commits or attempts to commit manoeuvres…

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Article D116-6 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

When the sentence enforcement judge is likely to revoke all or part of a previously granted reduction in sentence, on his own initiative or at the request of the head of the establishment or the public prosecutor, the sentenced person is notified at least ten days before the date on which the possible withdrawal of this reduction in sentence is to be examined by the sentence enforcement committee. This notice…

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Article D116-8 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Where the convicted offender has been the subject of one or more decisions to withdraw a reduced sentence, the notice of the expiry date of his custodial sentence sent by the head of the prison to the automated national criminal record pursuant to 5° of article R. 69 specifies the total duration of the withdrawal(s) ordered. .

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Article D117 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

The exceptional reduction in sentence provided for by article 721-3 as well as that provided for by article 721-4 may be granted in one or more instalments without exceeding one third of the sentence handed down. To determine the maximum quantum, account is taken of all sentences to be served or in prison on the date of the request. In all cases, the sentence enforcement judge or court shall specify…

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Article D118 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

Independent of the cases in which they are extracted or transferred and the cases in which they are assigned to perform chores under the direct or constant supervision of staff, convicts may be outside prison establishments in the cases of articles 723, 723-3 and 723-7 which provide for either work release and admission to the semi-liberty regime, or temporary absences and home detention under electronic surveillance.

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Article D119 of the French Code of Criminal Procedure

In the cases provided for by articles 723-1 and 723-7, measures to arrange the sentence under the regime of semi-liberty, external placement or home detention under electronic surveillance may be ordered by the sentence enforcement judge, in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of II and III of Article 707, in the light of changes in the personality and the material, family and social circumstances of the sentenced…

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