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Article R2141-32 of the French Public Health Code

Where the Director General of the Agence de la biomédecine finds that the requirements laid down in the import or export authorisation have not been complied with, he may immediately suspend the authorisation. After a formal notice has been sent to the authorisation holder, giving him/her the opportunity to comment within a period of fifteen days, the Director may withdraw the authorisation.

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Article R2141-33 of the French Public Health Code

Health establishments, organisations, health cooperation groupings and medical biology laboratories authorised to carry out medically assisted procreation activities are subject to inspection or control by the agents mentioned in article L. 1421-1, at least every two years. Under the authority of the Minister for Health, the Director General of the Regional Health Agency shall communicate to the competent authorities of the other Member States of the European Union or parties…

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Article R2141-34 of the French Public Health Code

Each year, the Agence de la biomédecine draws up a summary of the monitoring and inspection reports relating to medically assisted procreation activities which are sent to it in accordance with article L. 1418-2. It sends this report to the Minister for Health before 28 February of the following year.

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Article R2141-35 of the French Public Health Code

The rules of good practice applicable to ovarian stimulation, including when it is carried out independently of a medically assisted procreation technique, are set by order of the Minister for Health, issued after consultation with the Agence de la biomédecine and the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé.

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Article R2141-36 of the French Public Health Code

The age conditions required by article L. 2141-2 to benefit from the removal or collection of gametes, with a view to medically assisted procreation, are set as follows: 1° Oocytes may be retrieved from a person until their forty-third birthday; 2° Sperm may be retrieved from a person until their sixtieth birthday. These provisions apply to the removal or collection of gametes or germ tissue carried out in application of…

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Article R2141-37 of the French Public Health Code

The age conditions required by Article L. 2141-12 to benefit from gamete self-preservation with a view to subsequent medically assisted procreation are set as follows: 1° Oocytes may be retrieved from a person from their twenty-ninth birthday until their thirty-seventh birthday; 2° Sperm may be collected from a person from their twenty-ninth birthday until their forty-fifth birthday.

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Article R2141-38 of the French Public Health Code

Artificial insemination, the use of gametes or germ tissue collected, retrieved or preserved for the purposes of medically assisted procreation in application of articles L. 2141-2, L. 2141-11 and L. 2141-12, as well as the embryo transfer referred to in article L. 2141-1, may be carried out: 1° Up to her forty-fifth birthday in the woman, unmarried or within the couple, who is intended to bear the child; 2° Until…

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Article R2141-39 of the French Public Health Code

The collection, retrieval and storage of gametes, as provided for in article L. 2141-12, are preceded by at least one interview with the multidisciplinary clinical-biological medical team, the composition of which is laid down in article R. 2142-18. These interviews are used in particular to inform the person of: 1° The legislative and regulatory provisions relating to self-preservation set out in article L. 2141-12; 2° The methods by which this…

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Article R2142-1 of the French Public Health Code

The clinical and biological activities of medically assisted procreation referred to in Article L. 2142-1 include : 1° The following clinical activities: a) Oocyte retrieval with a view to medically assisted procreation ; b) Sperm retrieval ; c) Embryo transfer with a view to implantation; d) Oocyte retrieval with a view to donation; e) Embryo reception ; f) Oocyte retrieval with a view to their conservation for subsequent medically assisted…

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