Article L4393-1 of the French Public Health Code
Ambulance drivers transport and accompany the sick, injured and pregnant women in specially equipped vehicles.
Ambulance drivers transport and accompany the sick, injured and pregnant women in specially equipped vehicles.
The profession of ambulance driver may be practised by persons who hold : 1° a state ambulance driver’s diploma ; 2° an ambulance driver’s certificate of competence ; 3° an ambulance driver’s diploma.
The competent authority may, after obtaining the opinion of a committee composed in particular of professionals, individually authorise nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area to practise the profession of ambulance driver who, without holding one of the diplomas mentioned in Article L. 4393-2, are holders of : 1° Evidence of formal qualifications issued by…
Ambulance drivers may use their evidence of formal qualifications in the language of the State which issued them. He must indicate the place and establishment where it was obtained. Where the evidence of formal qualifications of the Member State or Party of origin is liable to be confused with evidence of formal qualifications requiring additional training in France, the competent authority may decide that the ambulance driver shall refer to…
Ambulance drivers who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union or of another State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, and who are established and legally practising ambulance activities in a Member State or a State party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, may perform professional acts in France on a temporary or occasional basis. Where the practice or training leading to…
When the ambulance driver is issued with an authorisation to practice or a declaration to provide services, he or she must have the language skills required to practice the profession in France. The language proficiency test must be proportionate to the activity to be carried out and must be carried out once the professional qualification has been recognised.
The following shall be determined by decree of the Conseil d’Etat: 1° Where necessary, the professional rules ; 2° The composition and operation of the commission mentioned in article L. 4393-3 and the conditions under which the person concerned is subject to a compensation measure; 3° The procedures for verifying the professional qualifications mentioned in article L. 4393-4.
The profession of dental assistant consists of assisting the dental surgeon or doctor practising in the field of dental surgery in his/her professional activity, under his/her responsibility and effective control. In this context, the dental assistant contributes to preventive and health education activities in the oral and dental field. Subject to having obtained the additional training qualification provided for by the order referred to in article L. 4393-9, they may…
The profession of dental assistant may be practised by holders of the French training qualification entitling them to practise this profession. The terms and conditions of the training, in particular the conditions of access, the skills reference framework and the procedures for awarding this qualification, are laid down by order of the Minister for Health, following the opinion of a commission comprising representatives of the State, dental surgeons and dental…
Persons holding a certificate or qualification, the list of which is set by order of the Minister for Health, may also practise the profession of dental assistant, provided that the corresponding training began before the date of entry into force of the order mentioned in the second paragraph of article L. 4393-9.
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