Article L3142-124 of the French Labour Code
The compensatory allowances provided for in this paragraph are calculated in accordance with Articles L. 3141-24 to L. 3141-27.
The compensatory allowances provided for in this paragraph are calculated in accordance with Articles L. 3141-24 to L. 3141-27.
An employee who wishes to provide full-time or part-time technological, vocational or higher education in initial or continuing training is entitled, subject to a seniority condition and under the conditions laid down in this section: 1° Either to leave ; 2° Or to a period of part-time work.
Article L. 3142-125 also applies to an employee who wishes to carry out research and innovation activities in a public research establishment, a local authority or a public or private company, unless the employer establishes that the exercise of this right by the employee directly compromises the company’s research, innovation and technological development policy.
In companies with three hundred or more employees, the employer may defer an employee’s leave or the start of the period of part-time work if exercising this right would result in the percentage of employees simultaneously absent on leave or part-time work being excessive in relation to the total workforce of the company.
In companies with fewer than three hundred employees, the employer may defer the employee’s leave or the start of the period of part-time work if exercising this right would result in the number of hours of leave requested being excessive in relation to the total number of hours worked in the year. However, the number of hours of leave to which an employee is entitled may, at the employee’s request,…
In order to implement an employee’s entitlement to the leave referred to in Article L. 3142-125, a collective agreement determines : 1° The maximum duration of the leave or period of part-time work; 2° The number of times the leave or period may be renewed; 3° The length of service required to be entitled to the leave or period; 4° The deadlines by which the employee must inform the employer…
In the absence of the agreement referred to in Article L. 3142-129, the following provisions apply: 1° The maximum duration of the leave or period of part-time work is one year. This period may be extended at the employee’s request by agreement between the company and the host organisation or company; 2° The length of service required to qualify for the leave or period of part-time work is one year…
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