Article R7345-9 of the French Labour Code
The Chairman of the Board of Directors appoints from among the members of the Board of Directors the person responsible for deputising for him/her in the event of temporary absence or impediment.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book III: Travellers, representatives or salespersons, managers of branches, salaried entrepreneurs associated with a cooperative of activity and employment and workers using an electronic contact platform. | Title IV: Workers using an electronic matchmaking platform | Page 15
The Chairman of the Board of Directors appoints from among the members of the Board of Directors the person responsible for deputising for him/her in the event of temporary absence or impediment.
The Chief Executive Officer manages the company in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the Board of Directors. In addition to those delegated to him by the Board of Directors, the Chief Executive Officer has the following responsibilities in particular: 1° He prepares the decisions of the Board of Directors and ensures that they are implemented or has them implemented; 2° He prepares the institution’s budget; 3° He is…
The Chief Executive’s term of office is four years, after which it may be renewed twice.
A Platform Players’ Council is attached to the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority. It is made up of: 1° Representatives of the organisations of platforms mentioned in Article L. 7343-24 ; 2° Representatives of the organisations of platform workers mentioned in Article L. 7343-4; 3° Representatives of associations for the defence of consumers and transport users; 4° Representatives of professional customers using the services offered by the platforms; 5° Representatives…
The Chairman of the Board of Directors chairs the Platform Players’ Council, which meets when convened by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or on the initiative of the majority of the members of the Platform Players’ Council, as often as the smooth running of the institution requires and at least twice a year. The Council draws up its own rules of procedure on the proposal of its Chairman….
Without prejudice to compliance with the provisions relating to professional secrecy, members of the Platform Players Board and persons attending its meetings at the invitation of its Chairman shall exercise discretion with regard to all facts, information or documents of which they become aware in the course of or in connection with the performance of their duties or their presence, which have been brought to their attention as being of…
I.-The role of the Platform Players’ Council is to make proposals to the Chairman of the Board of Directors on matters falling within the remit of the establishment, in particular: 1° The working and employment conditions of the workers referred to in Article L. 7343-1 and ways of improving them; 2° Ways of encouraging the development of social dialogue and collective bargaining within the sectors mentioned in Article L. 7343-1….
The establishment is subject to the provisions of Titles I and III of Decree no. 2012-1246 of 7 November 2012 on public budgetary and accounting management.
The establishment’s revenue comprises: 1° Proceeds from the tax referred to in article L. 7345-4; 2° Subsidies from the State, public authorities or public or private bodies and income from sponsorship; 3° Proceeds from the sale of contracts and agreements; 4° Income from movable and immovable property; 5° Donations and legacies; 6° Financial income from the investment of its funds; 7° Proceeds from disposals; 8° All income authorised by laws…
The institution’s expenditure includes: 1° Staff costs not covered by the State; 2° Operating costs; 3° Expenditure on the acquisition of movable and immovable property; 4° In general, all expenditure necessary for the accomplishment of its missions.
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