Article R7343-60 of the French Labour Code
Appeals against the order issued in application of article L. 7343-3 are brought before the court designated byarticle R. 311-2 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
Home | French Legislation Articles | Part Seven: Provisions specific to certain professions and activities | Book III: Travellers, representatives or salespersons, managers of branches, salaried entrepreneurs associated with a cooperative of activity and employment and workers using an electronic contact platform. | Title IV: Workers using an electronic matchmaking platform | Page 9
Appeals against the order issued in application of article L. 7343-3 are brought before the court designated byarticle R. 311-2 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
Each trade union organisation or professional association recognised as representative of platform workers may appoint three representatives simultaneously pursuant to Article L. 7343-12. These appointments are made during the electoral cycle as provided for in Article L. 7343-5.
The names and surnames of the representatives are brought to the attention of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi mentioned in Article L. 7345-1 by the representative organisation that appoints them. The notification referred to in the previous paragraph is made by any means. It shall include the name of the appointing organisation and the date of commencement of the execution of the mandate.
The representative organisation with the mandate shall notify the Employment Platforms Social Relations Authority as soon as possible of the end of the workers’ representative mandate. This representative mandate ends at the latest on the date of publication of the order, provided for in Article L. 7343-4, renewing the list of organisations representing platform workers at the end of the current electoral cycle.
The provisions of this sub-section apply to the representative appointed pursuant to Article L. 7343-12, hereinafter referred to as the “representative”, who uses a platform as a self-employed worker to carry out his professional activity in one of the sectors mentioned in Article L. 7343-1.
Pursuant to Article L. 7343-13, a distribution centre wishing to terminate its commercial contract with a representative must inform the representative in advance and provide him/her with the reasons for the termination by any means giving a date certain for receipt of this information. This information is given to the representative no later than fifteen days before the application for authorisation to terminate the contract provided for in article L….
The platform shall send the request for authorisation to terminate the contract provided for in Article L. 7343-14 to the Employment Platforms Labour Relations Authority electronically in accordance with the procedures set out in Articles R. 112-9-1 and R. 112-9-2 of the Code des relations entre le public et l’administration. The request shall state the reasons for the proposed termination of the business relationship.
The decision of the Director General of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi is preceded by an adversarial investigation during which the representative may, at his request, be assisted. For the purposes of the adversarial investigation, the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi may ask the platform to provide it with any document in its possession necessary to verify that the reason for the proposed termination of…
The Director General of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes d’emploi will take a decision within two months of receipt of the application for authorisation to terminate the contract, at the end of which time an implicit decision to reject the application will be issued. The decision is reasoned and notified electronically or by any other means giving a certain date of receipt to: 1° To the platform ;…
The commercial relationship is terminated within a maximum period of one month after the platform is notified of the decision of the Director General of the Autorité des relations sociales des plateformes authorising the termination. After this period, the authorisation decision ceases to have effect.
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