Article L5134-61 of the French Labour Code
The State may entrust the management of aid for the young people’s work experience contract to the institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1 or to any other legal entity governed by public law.
The State may entrust the management of aid for the young people’s work experience contract to the institution mentioned in article L. 5312-1 or to any other legal entity governed by public law.
A branch agreement or collective agreement may lay down the conditions under which the employees referred to in article L. 5134-54 benefit from support and skills assessment.
A decree determines: 1° The amounts and terms of payment of State aid and, where applicable, the specific conditions under which employers taking on young people on open-ended professionalisation contracts may benefit from it ; 2° The terms and conditions according to which, taking into account the necessary adaptations, employers affiliated to the paid leave funds provided for in article L. 3141-32 may benefit from State aid for leave allowances.
Subject to the provisions of Article L. 5134-63, a decree in the Conseil d’Etat shall determine the other conditions for application of this section.
The aim of the contrat initiative-emploi is to facilitate the professional integration of unemployed people experiencing social and professional difficulties in accessing employment. To this end, it includes vocational support measures. The training measures required to achieve the person’s career plan may be mentioned in the application for professional integration assistance; they are carried out within the framework defined in article L. 6312-1.
Aid for professional integration under an initiative-employment contract may be granted to the following employers: 1° Employers mentioned in article L. 5422-13 and in 3° and 4° of article L. 5424-1 ; 2° Employers’ groups for integration and qualification mentioned in article L. 1253-1; 3° Sea fishing employers not covered by article L. 5422-13, 3° and 4° of article L. 5424-1 and article L. 1253-1.
The decision to award a new subsidy for professional integration is subject to a prior assessment of the support measures and measures aimed at the long-term integration of employees, carried out under a previous subsidised contract.
Individual employers are not eligible for assistance under an initiative-employment contract.
The duration of the aid for professional integration granted under the initiative-employment contract may not exceed the term of the employment contract. The aid may be extended for a total period of up to twenty-four months. The maximum duration for which aid for professional integration is granted may be waived, in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down by regulation, either when it concerns an employee aged fifty or…
The extension of the work integration grant and, if it is for a fixed term, of the employment contract for which the grant is awarded, is subject to an assessment of the actions carried out during the contract with a view to promoting the long-term integration of the employee.
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