Article L7241-1 of the French General Code of Local Authorities
The Chapters I and II of Title V of Book I of Part Four.
The Chapters I and II of Title V of Book I of Part Four.
The Assembly of Martinique regulates the affairs of the territorial collectivity of Martinique through its deliberations. It is competent to promote regional cooperation, the economic, social, health, cultural and scientific development of Martinique and the planning of its territory, and to ensure the preservation of its identity, while respecting the integrity, autonomy and attributions of the communes. It may undertake actions that complement those of the State, the communes and…
The Assembly of Martinique may create public establishments known as agencies, responsible for the implementation of projects of interest to the territorial collectivity of Martinique and the operation of the collectivity’s public services.
The Assembly of Martinique may submit proposals to amend or adapt legislative or regulatory provisions in force or in the process of being drawn up, as well as any proposals relating to the conditions for the economic, social and cultural development of the territorial collectivity of Martinique. Proposals adopted by the Martinique Assembly in application of the first paragraph are forwarded by the President of the Martinique Assembly to the…
The Assembly of Martinique is consulted on draft laws, ordinances or decrees containing provisions for adapting the legislative regime and administrative organisation of the territorial collectivity of Martinique. Its opinion is deemed to have been obtained in the absence of notification to the State representative in the territorial collectivity of an express opinion within a period of one month from the referral; this period is reduced to fifteen days in…
The Assembly of Martinique shall be consulted on proposals for European Union acts concerning the territorial collectivity by the Government. The second paragraph of Article L. 7252-2 is applicable. It may submit proposals to the Government for the application in the territorial collectivity of the Treaties on the European Union and on the Functioning of the European Union. .
The Martinique Assembly is consulted on plans to award or renew port and airport concessions concerning the territorial collectivity of Martinique.
Before 31 December each year, the representative of the State in the territorial collectivity submits to the Assembly of Martinique, for its opinion, the general guidelines for the programming of State housing aid for the following year. These general guidelines concern the distribution of aid by scheme, on the one hand, and the distribution of aid by housing area, on the other.
The Assembly of Martinique is consulted on any draft agreement concerning Martinique within the framework of regional cooperation in economic, social, technical, scientific, cultural, civil security or environmental matters between the French Republic and the States or territories of the Caribbean. It gives its opinion at the first meeting following its referral. .
The Assembly of Martinique may submit proposals to the Government with a view to the conclusion of international commitments concerning regional cooperation between the French Republic and the States or territories of the Caribbean, the States or territories of the American continent located in the vicinity of the Caribbean and French Guiana, or with a view to the conclusion of agreements with regional bodies, including regional bodies dependent on United…
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