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Article A761-9 of the French Commercial code

The file for the creation of a reference perimeter includes: 1° A map showing the location of the reference perimeter including the municipalities in whose territory the provisions of articles L. 761-5 to L. 761-7; 2° The list of products referred to in the first paragraph of Article L. 761-5; 3° The opinion of each commune or each public establishment for inter-communal cooperation included in the said perimeter; 4° The…

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Article A761-10 of the French Commercial code

The file for the reduction of a reference perimeter includes: 1° A plan showing the location of the reference perimeter including the communes remaining within whose territory the provisions of articles L. 761-5 to L. 761-7 and showing the communes that are excluded; 2° A list of the communes that are maintained within the said perimeter and those that are withdrawn; 3° The opinion of the managing body of the…

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Article A761-11 of the French Commercial code

The first part of the application to the prefect referred to in the first paragraph of Article R. 761-12-1 in duplicate: 1° The applicant’s unique identification number and the applicant’s identity, i.e., for a natural person, the surname, first names, address, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address and, for a legal person, the company name, legal form, address of the registered office, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail address ; 2°…

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Article A761-12 of the French Commercial code

When the first part of the file is complete, the prefect informs the manager of the market of national interest of the application without delay and sends him a copy of the first part of the file, with the exception of the document mentioned in 2° of article A. 761-11. He indicates to the manager the deadline by which the latter must inform him of the availability or otherwise of…

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Article A761-13 of the French Commercial code

In its response to the referral provided for in Article R. 761-12, the manager of the national interest market shall inform the prefect whether or not it has surfaces and facilities corresponding to the request. If it has these areas, it provides the prefect with a proposal for installation comprising: – a plan of the location of these areas within the market enclosure; – the characteristics of the land or…

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Article A761-13-1 of the French Commercial code

On receipt of the response from the market manager, the prefect will forward a copy to the applicant without delay. If the applicant has not sent him the second part of his application, he will indicate the deadline by which this part must be submitted.

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Article A761-14 of the French Commercial code

The second part of the application to the Prefect referred to in the first paragraph of Article R. 761-12-1 includes all the information needed to examine the application, namely: 1° An indicative plan of the sales areas, where applicable before and after the requested extension; 2° Maps and plans showing: – the location of the project on a 1:25,000 map; – the organisation of the project on the plot or…

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Article A761-15 of the French Commercial code

The Disciplinary Board is chaired by a representative of the manager; the Departmental Director of Competition, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DDCCRF), the Departmental Director of Agriculture and Forestry and, where applicable, the Regional Director of Food, Agriculture and Forestry, or their representatives, sit on it as of right. The said board includes two representatives of operators and users, appointed under the conditions laid down in the rules of procedure….

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Article A761-16 of the French Commercial code

A technical advisory committee is set up under the market manager, who provides its secretariat and sets the agenda for its meetings. It comprises a maximum of twenty-five members. It is made up of representatives of: 1° Public administrations; 2° Producers; 3° Operators; 4° Users. The representatives in the first category are appointed by the prefect responsible for policing the market. Those in the last three categories are appointed by…

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Article A762-1 of the French Commercial code

For the purposes of this chapter, the data reported shall comply with the following definitions: 1° A previous session of the same event is considered to be one that has not been substantially modified in terms of the list of products or services presented, the number of visitors expected and the same location. 2° Attendance is the sum of daily entries to the event site during its official opening days….

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