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Article L231-2-3 of the French Sports Code

For the disciplines, listed by decree, which present particular constraints, the issue or renewal of the licence and participation in competitions are subject to the production of a medical certificate dated less than a year ago establishing that there are no contraindications to the practice of the discipline concerned. The issue of this certificate is subject to the completion of a specific medical examination, the characteristics of which are set…

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Article L231-3 of the French Sports Code

The doctor in charge, within the sports federation, of coordinating the examinations required as part of the specific medical monitoring provided for in article L. 231-6 may issue a certificate stating that participation in sports competitions is contraindicated, based on the results of this medical monitoring. This certificate is forwarded to the president of the federation, who suspends the person concerned from taking part in sporting competitions organised or authorised…

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Article L231-4 of the French Sports Code

The provisions of article L. 2336-3 of the French Defence Code define the conditions that must be met when issuing, renewing or validating a shooting licence in order for the presentation of this document to replace the medical certificate referred to in the said article.

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Article L231-5 of the French Sports Code

Sports federations look after the health of their members and to this end take the necessary measures, particularly with regard to training programmes and the calendar of competitions and sporting events that they organise or authorise. They undertake prevention and education initiatives in conjunction with the Ministry of Sport or as part of the education programme defined by the French Anti-Doping Agency. They provide information to licence-holders and their managers…

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Article L231-5-1 of the French Sports Code

Sports federations cooperate in the fight against doping with international federations and national anti-doping organisations. To this end, either spontaneously or at the request of the French Anti-Doping Agency, they provide it with any information necessary for it to carry out its duties. Through the regulations they issue, they ensure the effectiveness of the decisions taken by the French Anti-Doping Agency in application of Section 4 of Chapter II of…

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Article L231-6 of the French Sports Code

I.-The delegated sports federations are responsible for organising the medical surveillance to which their licence holders registered on the list of elite sportsmen and women mentioned in the first paragraph of article L. 221-2 are subject. An order from the Minister for Sport defines the nature and frequency of the medical examinations carried out as part of this surveillance. Delegated sports federations may define additional medical examinations adapted to their…

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Article L231-7 of the French Sports Code

An individual record booklet is issued to each athlete mentioned in article L. 231-6 or to their legal representative, by the sports federation to which they belong. This booklet only contains information of a sporting nature and medical information relating to sporting activities. Only doctors approved in application of article L. 232-11 are authorised to have this booklet shown to them during the tests provided for in article L. 232-12.

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Article L231-8 of the French Sports Code

When an athlete sanctioned in application of articles L. 232-21-1 to L. 232-23-3-12 requests the return, renewal or issue of a sports licence, the competent federation shall make this return, renewal or issue subject to the production of a certificate issued by a doping prevention medical unit following an interview between a doctor and the person concerned. During this interview, the doctor may suggest that the athlete undergo the monitoring…

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Article L232-1 of the French Sports Code

Doping prevention medical centres are approved by the administrative authority. They organise consultations open to people who have used or are likely to use doping practices. These consultations are anonymous at the request of those concerned. If necessary, they offer to set up medical follow-up. The persons mentioned in article L. 231-8 must have at least one interview with a doctor in one of these centres. This interview is validated…

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Article L232-2 of the French Sports Code

The athlete shall declare his status at the time of any medical consultation which gives rise to a prescription. Athletes taking part in or preparing for the events mentioned in 1° of I of article L. 230-3 and whose state of health requires the use of a substance or method on the list of prohibited substances mentioned in the last paragraph of article L. 232-9 may submit requests for therapeutic…

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