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Article R2322-13 of the French Public Health Code

Establishments must keep for one year : 1° The certificates provided by the women proving that they have complied with the requirements of articles L. 2212-3 to L. 2212-5 ; 2° The document showing the consents provided for in article L. 2212-7 in the case of an unmarried minor. They must keep the medical certificates provided for in article L. 2213-1 for three years in the case of voluntary termination…

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Article R2322-14 of the French Public Health Code

At the end of each month, establishments must send the doctor at the Regional Health Agency designated by the Director General of the Agency the declarations provided for in Article L. 2212-10. The model for the declaration is set by order of the Minister for Health.

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Article D2323-1 of the French Public Health Code

Lactariums operate in two ways: 1° Lactariums for indoor and outdoor use; 2° Lactariums for indoor use. Lactariums participate in the promotion of breastfeeding and the donation of breast milk. The donation of milk may not give rise to any direct or indirect remuneration.

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Article D2323-2 of the French Public Health Code

The role of the indoor and outdoor lactariums is to: 1° Collect breast milk; 2° Prepare, qualify and process breast milk; 3° Store breast milk; 4° Distribute and dispense breast milk on medical prescription. These tasks are carried out through anonymous and personalised milk donations. Personalised donations are defined as donations of milk from a mother to her own child. Anonymous donation is defined as the donation of milk by…

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Article D2323-3 of the French Public Health Code

Lactariums for indoor and outdoor use may have either a single site providing all the activities mentioned in article D. 2323-2, or a main site and one or more branches. The main site is responsible for preparing, qualifying, processing, storing, distributing and issuing breast milk. The branches collect anonymous milk and any personalised milk. They also store the milk before it is sent to the main site of the lactarium….

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Article D2323-4 of the French Public Health Code

The internal use lactarium is responsible for: 1° Collecting breast milk collected by mothers at home or at the lactarium site; 2° Preparing, qualifying and processing breast milk; 3° Preserving breast milk; 4° Delivering breast milk on medical prescription. These tasks are carried out solely on the basis of personalised milk donations for the benefit of newborns hospitalised in a health establishment where the lactarium is located. Exceptionally, in the…

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Article D2323-6 of the French Public Health Code

The lactarium is authorised for a period of five years by the director general of the regional health agency for the region in which the lactarium is located, after obtaining the opinion of the director general of the Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé. The authorisation is notified within a maximum of two months from the date of receipt of the application. The authorisation is…

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Article D2323-7 of the French Public Health Code

The authorisation holder appoints a doctor responsible for the organisation and operation of the lactarium for the main site and its branches. The doctor will be assisted by a midwife, a health executive or a childcare nurse, who will be responsible for coordinating the collection activity and liaising with the health establishments where the mother’s milk collection centres are located, particularly for indoor and outdoor lactariums.

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