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Article L222-2-1 of the French Sports Code

The Labour Code is applicable to salaried professional athletes and salaried professional coaches, with the exception of the provisions of articles L. 1221-2, L. 1241-1 to L. 1242-5, L. 1242-7 to L. 1242-9, L. 1242-12, L. 1242-13, L. 1242-17, L. 1243-7 to L. 1243-10, L. 1243-13 to L. 1245-1, L. 1246-1 and L. 1248-1 to L. 1248-11 relating to fixed-term employment contracts.

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Article L222-2-2 of the French Sports Code

Articles L. 222-2-1, L. 222-2-3 to L. 222-2-5, L. 222-2-7 and L. 222-2-8 may, with the agreement of the parties, be applied to athletes who are employed by their sports federation as members of a French team, as well as to trainers who primarily supervise athletes who are members of a French team. These same articles may, with the agreement of the parties, apply to professional referees or judges who…

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Article L222-2-3 of the French Sports Code

In order to ensure the protection of professional athletes and trainers and to guarantee the fairness of competitions, any contract by which a sports association or a company mentioned in articles L. 122-2 and L. 122-12 secures the services of one of these employees, in return for remuneration, is a fixed-term employment contract.

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Article L222-2-4 of the French Sports Code

The duration of an employment contract referred to in article L. 222-2-3 may not be less than the duration of a sports season, which is set at twelve months. However, a contract concluded during a sports season may have a duration of less than twelve months, under the conditions defined by a national collective agreement or convention or, failing that, by the regulations of the sports federation or, where applicable,…

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Article L222-2-5 of the French Sports Code

I.-The fixed-term employment contract shall be drawn up in writing in at least three copies and shall include a reference to articles L. 222-2 to L. 222-2-8. It shall include : 1° The identity and address of the parties; 2° The date of recruitment and the period for which it is concluded; 3° A description of the job held and the activities in which the employee participates; 4° The amount…

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Article L222-2-6 of the French Sports Code

The regulations of the sports federation or, where applicable, of the professional league may provide for a procedure to approve the fixed-term employment contract of the professional athlete and trainer and determine the procedures for approval as well as the sporting consequences if the contract is not approved. The conditions under which failure to approve the contract may prevent it from coming into force are determined by a national collective…

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Article L222-2-8 of the French Sports Code

I.-Any contract entered into in breach of the substantive and formal rules set out in articles L. 222-2-1 to L. 222-2-5 shall be deemed to be for an indefinite period. II – Failure to comply with the substantive and formal rules set out in the same articles L. 222-2-1 to L. 222-2-5 is punishable by a fine of €3,750. A repeat offence is punishable by a fine of €7,500 and…

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Article L222-2-9 of the French Sports Code

Throughout the term of a professional athlete’s fixed-term employment contract, the sports association or company referred to in Articles L. 122-2 and L. 122-12 which employs the athlete shall offer the athlete preparation and training conditions equivalent to those of other professional athletes employed by the association or company.

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Article L222-2-10 of the French Sports Code

The sports association or company mentioned in articles L. 122-2 and L. 122-12, in conjunction with the sports federations, professional leagues and organisations representing professional sportsmen and women and trainers, provides socio-professional support for the professional sportsmen and women it employs.

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