Article D5427-11 of the French Labour Code
A budget controller shall exercise control over the bodies provided for in Article D. 5427-4 in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Decree no. 55-763 of 26 May 1955.
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A budget controller shall exercise control over the bodies provided for in Article D. 5427-4 in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in Decree no. 55-763 of 26 May 1955.
A decree issued on the report of the Minister of Finance determines the amount and terms of payments to be made by audited bodies to cover the costs incurred in carrying out the audit.
The Minister for Employment shall receive the statements provided for in Article D. 5427-9. It shall also be sent the deliberations of the general circulars concerning the application of the agreement and its annexes.
The deliberations of the joint committee set up by article 2 of the agreement of 31 December 1958 and relating to the scope of application of the approved agreement are subject to the approval of the minister responsible for employment.In the absence of an express decision within three weeks of the deliberation being lodged with the services of the ministry responsible for employment, it is deemed to have been approved.
The central and external services of the Délégation générale à l’emploi et à la formation professionnelle are authorised to check with the bodies listed in article D. 5427-4 that the legal provisions mentioned in articles L. 5422-21 and L. 5422-22 are respected.
Failure to comply with the provisions of the first paragraph of article L. 5422-13 and articles L. 5422-14 and R. 5422-5 to R. 5422-8 is punishable by a fifth-class fine.
Any employer who has wrongly withheld the employee contribution provided for in article L. 5422-9 and deducted it from wages shall be liable to the fine provided for fifth-class offences.
Failure to comply with the formal notice provided for in article D. 5424-43 within the fifteen-day period is punishable by the fine provided for third-class offences, without prejudice to an order, by the same judgment, to pay the sum representing the contributions as well as interest for late payment. The fine is applied as many times as there are persons for whom salary declarations or contribution payments have not been…
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