Article R5411-12 of the French Labour Code
The genuineness and seriousness of the steps taken by the jobseeker are assessed in the light of the applicant’s situation and that of the local labour market.
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The genuineness and seriousness of the steps taken by the jobseeker are assessed in the light of the applicant’s situation and that of the local labour market.
The personalised project for access to employment is drawn up jointly by the jobseeker and Pôle emploi or one of the organisations mentioned in article L. 5411-6-1 when the jobseeker is registered on the jobseekers’ list or at the latest within thirty days of registration. It is updated according to the frequency and procedures agreed with the jobseeker. Once the project has been drawn up or updated, Pôle emploi or…
The agreements concluded between Pôle emploi and the bodies participating in the public employment service mentioned in Article L. 5311-4 define, in accordance with the provisions set out in the multi-year agreement mentioned in Article L. 5312-3 : 1° The rules for drawing up and updating the personalised project for access to employment for jobseekers whose support and placement is entrusted to these organisations; 2° The adapted service offer that…
A jobseeker ceases to be registered on the list of jobseekers or is transferred to the category corresponding to his new situation: 1° Either fails to comply with the obligation to periodically renew his or her job application; 2° Or is informed by his or her employer or an organisation providing him or her with compensation, a social benefit or training that he or she has taken up a new…
The person concerned is notified of the reasoned decision by the regional director of Pôle emploi to cease registration on the jobseekers’ list or to change category. Any person wishing to contest the decision will initiate mediation with the Pôle emploi Regional Mediator under the conditions set out in Articles R. 213-10 to R. 213-13 of the Code of Administrative Justice.
The regional director of Pôle emploi removes people from the list of jobseekers in the cases provided for in articles L. 5412-1 and L. 5412-2, with the exception of beneficiaries of the youth commitment contract mentioned in article L. 5131-6 for the duration of the said contract.
Withdrawal of entitlement to replacement income for one of the reasons listed in article R. 5426-3 results in the person concerned being removed from the list of jobseekers.
Removal from the jobseekers’ list makes it impossible to obtain a new registration: 1° For a period of one month when the breach mentioned in c of 3° of Article L. 5412-1 is noted for the first time. In the event of a second breach, this period is extended to two consecutive months. From the third breach onwards, this period is extended to four consecutive months; 2° For a period…
When the striking off is pronounced in application of the provisions of article R. 5412-4, its duration is equal to the duration of the withdrawal of the replacement income. In the event of permanent withdrawal of replacement income, the duration of the striking off is between six and twelve consecutive months. However, when the definitive withdrawal concerns a breach linked to an undeclared activity of very short duration, the period…
When considering taking a decision to deregister, the Director referred to in article R. 5312-26 shall inform the person concerned in advance, by any means giving a date certain, of the facts of which he or she is accused and of the duration of the proposed deregistration, indicating that he or she has ten days in which to submit written observations or, if he or she so wishes, to ask…
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