Article R6113-26 of the French Labour Code
Expenses incurred by participation in the work of the professional advisory commissions and their working groups are paid in accordance with the procedures defined by decree.
Expenses incurred by participation in the work of the professional advisory commissions and their working groups are paid in accordance with the procedures defined by decree.
Plans to create, revise or abolish higher education diplomas registered in the National Register of Professional Qualifications under I of article L. 6113-5 are subject to prior consultation in accordance with I of article L. 6113-3 in the following manner: 1° National diplomas, diplomas conferring a university degree covered byarticle L. 613-1 of the Education Code and diplomas covered by articles L. 641-4 or L. 641-5 of the Education Code…
The bodies mentioned in article D. 6113-27 base their examination of each diploma on the criteria defined in article R. 6113-9.
The knowledge and skills base referred to in articles L. 6121-2, L. 6324-1 and L. 6323-6 is made up of all the knowledge and skills that it is useful for an individual to master in order to promote access to vocational training and professional integration. This foundation must be assessed in a professional context. This knowledge and skills are also useful for the individual’s social, civic and cultural life.
I.-The foundation of professional knowledge and skills includes : 1° Communication in French; 2° Use of the basic rules of arithmetic and mathematical reasoning; 3° Use of the usual techniques of information and digital communication; 4° Ability to work within the framework of defined rules of teamwork; 5° The ability to work independently and to achieve an individual goal; 6° The ability to learn to learn throughout life; 7° Mastery…
The foundation of professional knowledge and skills referred to in I of article D. 6113-30 and the complementary module referred to in III of the same article are each the subject of certification, on the basis of proposals from representative employee trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level and representative employer trade union organisations at national and cross-industry level under the conditions defined by order of the Minister responsible…
The additional modules mentioned in II of article D. 6113-30 are defined by order of the Minister responsible for vocational training at the suggestion of the Association of French Regions.
Training courses for the acquisition of skills and knowledge may be offered independently of each other. They may include a prior assessment of the skills and knowledge of those taking part in the training. The modularisation of training courses and the prior assessment are designed to make good use of the skills and knowledge acquired by the individual, enabling the training programme to be adapted to the individual’s needs.
The authorisation provided for in article L. 6121-2-1 is included in an agreement between the region and a body, which entrusts the latter with a service of general economic interest. In return for fair financial compensation, the agreement entrusts this organisation with the task of implementing vocational integration and training initiatives for young people and adults experiencing learning or integration difficulties, with a view to their access to the labour…
The authorisation procedure complies with the principles of transparency and equal treatment of applicants. It is opened after an accreditation dossier has been drawn up and a public call for proposals has been issued.
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